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  • @scoophk


    Think I found it – at least it seems to be working now!!

    To redirect to the homepage on login:

    line 147 in wp-includes > general-template.php has to be changed from:
    <a href="” title=”Login”>Login

    <a href="” title=”Login”>Login

    after much trial & error I replaced (‘url’) not with the entire URL but with just the name of the folder that my BuddyPress protected blog is in – this is because my blog is not in the root folder – if yours is it may not be necessary to change anything.

    YAY… hope you can still make this easier for other users of your GREAT script… thank you Jehy!!
    It is protecting all pages and sections from prying eyes. Other scripts I tried had spotty protection – once on the registration page they let some of the tabs like members be viewable without registering or logging in…. registered-users-only2 is protecting everything.

    : )



    I just used: registered users only 2

    Worked perfectly on activation.
    Then went into my login.php and added the client’s logo to the login page – as Register plus didn’t seem to want to upload the logo for me.



    Thank you for being so specific Tridian & Sarah Gooding – it worked for me this time – i hadn’t made me an admin on the new group that I hadn’t created – once I did – I found – Group Settings under Admin and unchecked ‘enable discussions’ saved it – and rechecked it and saved it – working now!


    Not on MU – have a standard brandnew WP install – cannot post topics to the forum. I am the admin. I went into the group I created and unchecked and saved ‘Enable discussion forum’ then went back in and saved it with Enable discussion forum checked – still no success…. HELP please….

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