bp-help replied to the topic Is there a widget for Buddypress that adds "My Profile" links to the sidebar? in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years, 3 months ago
The only thing I see that does some of those things is:
However I have never tried it myself, and it has not been updated in a while so its hard to say whether it will work with the most current versions of WP & BP. The only other alternative is to code it yourself or hire a developer…[Read more] -
bp-help replied to the topic Do any plugins exist that do multi-step registration for Buddypress? in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years, 3 months ago
As a web developer myself I add plugins to the repository because at some point it was a requirement for a client and I just figured I would share it on the WP repository so others could benefit from it. I think this is true with a lot of the plugins on the WP repository as well. There may be a few developers out there that would build…[Read more] -
bp-help replied to the topic Do any plugins exist that do multi-step registration for Buddypress? in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years, 3 months ago
Sorry to inform you again, but there is no plugins that I know of that does this yet!
I say yet because there is the potential to accomplish this but no one has taken on the challenge to fulfill this requirement yet. -
bp-help replied to the topic Do any plugins exist that recommend who you should follow when registering? in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years, 3 months ago
Negative! Sorry if you was hoping for a better answer but I have not seen this functionality yet and I have been snooping around BuddyPress for a good while. “But you can always build this functionality if you have coding skills.”
Active 5 months, 2 weeks ago