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  • @seppy


    Can’t seem to get this working, I’ll just disable the ability to let people leave for now (so they can only be removed by admin). Doesn’t matter too much as the site is only private groups.



    Why do you want your users passwords? You cannot see your users passwords in plain text, there should be no need for you to have your newly registered users passwords.

    If you want to set (reset) a password for them you can do so in the Dashboard > Users > All Users > > New Password

    Otherwise, passwords are stored with a salt and hash in your database.



    Hi @sbla

    On the groups pages (where the styling isn’t correct) it seems to still have in the ‘home’ class in your body tags (which has the transparent background)
    `body class=”single-item groups group-home home custom-background”

    So it’s calling this CSS which you don’t want!
    .home #wrapper {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: none;
    margin: 20px auto 20px auto;
    padding: 0;

    Where as the page that it is correctly styling hasn’t got “home” in the body classes.

    `body class=”directory activity custom-background”`

    How are you currently adding the ‘home’ class to body?

    `function add_home_class($classes) {
    if (is_front_page()) {
    $classes[] = “home”
    return $classes;
    add_filter(‘body_class’, ‘add_home_class’);`




    Sorry, have one more question! Stuck on a similar issue again, the groups_remove_member worked a treat :), but I also need to hook a function for when a person clicks “leave group” on their own accord.

    `add_action( ‘groups_leave_group‘, ‘function_here’ );`

    I tried ‘groups_leave_group’ but this doesn’t seem to work (unless I’m doing something stupid).

    Also I was wondering if you could clear up what the “screen” means in the actions like groups_screen_group_forum

    Really appreciate your help so far!



    ahh, thanks heaps! Couldn’t find that anywhere 🙂



    Hi @mercime ,

    What I am doing is when a User gets accepted into a group I’m automatically assigning them a set of permissions as well through an attached function.
    add_action( 'groups_membership_accepted', 'my_function' );

    But when someone is being removed from a group (through Group > Admin > Members) I can’t seem to find the action for that.
    add_action( 'groups_membership_removed?', 'my_other_function' );

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