Forum Replies Created
yeah but i had issues. i tried to setup sitewide forums with buddypress but couldn’t fix it. i had so much issues to solve. heavy stuff for a beginner. why things could not work for me at the first time. that’s life! you get nothing without afford
i can live with this issues for a while. i saw that there is another reported issue, if you have to much threaded, nested comments. not enough place for this kinda commis. whatever. thank you for your help and @kalengi too.
sorry for my bad english… oh i mean my bad php
you mean i should create a favourite.php like the reply.php and put some code in it? and then another code in the functions.php in my theme folder? i checked the codex section but could not find anything. ithis is the last issue i have to solve. first i had ablank pages after installing. isolved it months ago>> thx to the community, then i had activation email issues. solved this too. third was that the sitewide forum did not work properly. i decided to use simple:press, which is also compatible with bp. but i have no idea how to php. man i want to learn php so bad. and i will, with time. can you explain me a last time how to fix this. i see the fav section but no threaded comments in bp_activity_functions but have no idea what to to. plzzz
ayyy… found a new error. the user can not reply to my own reply. on hoover it shows the link:
heeey thanks man. i appreciate that. i took the code from the first code section on that site you linked above and put that in reply.php removing the old code. now i can reply.
great thing. thx again.
but i have a question. on this site >pastebin is a second code section below. should i use this? is this one for functions.php? or is that one just a raw version? anyway it works. hmmm… now have to find out how to favorite something (fix the issue) but the main issue is solved. thx again!!
hey thamk you for your reply. i replaced the codes above with the codes you gave me. but now i get this error message when i try to reply. what does it means?
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘/htdocs/wp-content/themes/mytheme/activity/reply.php on line 16
hi people, ihave the same problems, but i dont know with ajax enabled or without. i can’t reply nor favourite something. i can post only. i get 404 page for this kind of stuff. i’m not advanced and i have bpress for a while but never tried ro reply or favorite something. i just noticed this errors. now i have a lot sites indexed, if i would deactivate buddypress i would have a lot 404 pages and this is suboptimal for google. i used the codes and created reply.php under my themes activity section. i also put the code you gave me in the funtcions.php section in my theme folder. should i put this code on the main function.php or the one in my theme? or is this a solution for ajax issues only?now it redirects to the activity page when i reply but i don’t see any replies. i think it is a general issue and not only ajax for me. can you please help me out. i can not code, so please tell me in a beginner language? i also can not favorite something.
i have the same issue. i have also in the wp admin menu only settings, profile fields, components and pages! i use wp 3,2,1 and buddypress 1,5,1 with sitewide forum. forum is simple press. bbpress didnt worked out. so i deactivated it. in the user bar i cant find the genaral groups page. as user or as admin. i have to put manually to see the groups listing page and create link! activitypage also. i mean the genaral pages. there are menus for member releated groups and activity. but genaral member list link is also missing: whats wrong?