15 years, 9 months ago
Tried to update via SiteAdmin Upgdare> Automatically Upgrade.
Since then rm-rf bp-* from mu-plugins, deleting old themes member and home from themes/ folder.
Unzipped all from bp-rc2 in to plugins/buddypress/ folder without bp-themes/.
Moved bp-themes/ from zip to wp-content/
now is:
# ls wp-content/bp-themes /
buddypress-member readme.txt
Moved bp-themes/buddypress-home / to wp-content/themes/buddypress-home /
# ls wp-content/themes /
buddypress-home classic default home
# grep SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE wp-config.php
define ( \’SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE\’, 1);
Uncommented and active.
Try deleting all plugins from the mu-plugins and plugins directory
Leaving only the plugins/buddypress
No result.
Update from SVN, I did not help.
What a possible to do for solve the problem?