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  • @smilingdeep


    I am testing this, but wondering at the same time what is ” the repair email option”.

    Hello @alpokoskiniva, this solution is tested and has worked for everyone with activation mail issue. I am sure you will also be able to solve this.

    As for “reset email settings” – go to Dashboard> tools > BuddyPress tools and here you will find this option. This option resets Buddypress e-mail configuration to default. Hope it helps.



    @sergiblac, glad to know that. Enjoy buddy.



    @sergiblac accept request



    Did you try deactivating BuddyPress?
    If you need my assistance. Download Anydesk first and reply here. I’ll have a look at your configuration.



    @sergiblac Can you tell/show me the following?

    1- Plugin Settings (if you are using any.
    2. Did you replace the red text with green text shown in the patch?

    3. Did you reset email settings in Dashboard>tools> BuddyPress settings.

    4. What errors did you get?

    Check these settings again and share details.



    @sharebophar yeah, it is. We can be of great help for each other.
    I’ve set up the site completely. Now building a theme from scratch.



    @vapvarun @bassibabes1 @sharebophar

    Register yourself here My Site. Help each other building



    @vapvarun I have done a fresh install. Check now and please if you see any problem.



    Finally, the champion has found the solution. Thanks a lot @sharebophar

    Everyone who is having email problems on BuddyPress nouveau version can find the solution here Fix Here.

    Open your web directory and browse to “/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php” in buddypress plugin directory.

    Now replace the text highlighted in red with text highlighted in green.

    I think the BP Dev team should make a public announcement for this fix so that users like us don’t trouble themselves for days finding this solution.

    @bassibabes1 and @sharebophar thanks a lot for your kind assistance.



    @vapvarun how can I keep this if my wordpress installation directory is “public_html/deep/wordpress”?

    If I open it shows directory.



    At the moment, I have a plugin called BP Disable Activation Reloaded which has disabled the normal BP Activation system. Then another plugin called User Activation By E-Mail is sending out an email to user, which contains a button for them to click on. Then they can login and are supposed to be redirected to the activation page, where they need to complete a form for extra data.

    This is a complete hack workaround and I’m going to need to mess around with the user roles etc to get this working the way it needs to be.

    Obviously, LOTS of people have this issue and it’s not something that can be ignored because members can’t actually access the site without that email. For this to have been going on for a decade is a joke and makes the plugin a lot less value in general. I wouldn’t consider purchasing anything without this working.

    yeah its really very annoying. People have been dealing with this issue for years but it remains unsolved. Everyone suggests to use wp_smtp or similar plugin but in my case they all fail.



    At your site, you have to path
    Are there two separate installs or you are using something to change installation path?

    As mentioned in BuddyPress requirements, wordpress shouldn’t have it’s own directory. So I installed it in “public_html/deep/wordpress”. Now because it looks messy and shows site directory when I try to open, so I changed website address in wordress> general settings.

    Is there any problem in this?



    @sharebophar @Vapvarun

    Yeah only test mails and forgot password mails work with these plugins. If I deactivate buddypress everything works fine, activation mails also work. Its just an issue with buddypress.

    the link you shared explains template editing (how your mail would look like) it doesn’t solve our problem.



    @vapvarun Sir, I have already tried that thing and have mentioned it in the main post also. I’m using my own mail sever. Because of this issue I’m not able to work further on this project.



    I’m wondering if an expert would address our problem or not. It’s been a day.



    Seems like people have been dealing with this issue for a decade. There is no solution that works for me. I have tried almost every workaround I found in forums but all in vain.

    It’s strange that when I deactivate buddypress, all emails work fine. It’s just buddypress that doesn’t send activation mail. It sends forgot password mail though.

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