smuda reviewed the plugin WP-FB-AutoConnect: 14 years ago
if a user could choose a username, this plugin would be perfect!
smuda joined the group WP-FB-AutoConnect 14 years ago
smuda started the forum topic Subpage for a users profile in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Evening eberyone,
i would like to create a subpage/extra navigation tab to a Users profile like myurl.com/members/username/ExtraPage where some simple xprofile stuf gets added.
i cant figure out on how to do that. Did anyone troed to do that yet?
smuda posted on the forum topic Janrain Engage tested? in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
hey @rogercoathup,
thanks for the link, i voted it up a little
now i have tried gigya, but it doesn’t seem to work really good. they also say that the plugin doesn’t support buddypress out of the box.
smuda started the forum topic Janrain Engage tested? in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
Has anyone tested the “Janrain Engage – Authentication from Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Windows Live ID and OpenID” plugin? it seems pretty sweet and the perfect solution for buddypress.
smuda posted on the forum topic Anyone else working on integrating Gigya? in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
anyone succeeded yet? i’m failing.
smuda started the forum topic BP_FRIENDS_SLUG changes in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
hey everyone,
i’ve changed BP_FRIENDS_SLUG in wp-config to “fellas”, like:
define( 'BP_FRIENDS_SLUG', 'fellas' );
but now features like “activity of friends” only show the person who is currently logged in. anyone had that problem yet?
smuda posted on the forum topic Buddypress Avatars do not appear on WP MU Sub Blogs in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
if you do a search, you find that this is a not-yet-fixed bug (a really annyoing one too)
smuda posted on the forum topic Is there any critical risk or any other problem if the previous bp-core-avatars.php is used ? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
would like to know that too.
smuda posted on the forum topic Show number of friends in Members Directory in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
can i bump this? anyone?
smuda started the forum topic Show number of friends in Members Directory in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
i currently use
echo BP_Friends_Friendship::total_friend_count( $bp->displayed_user->id )
to display the number of friends a user has on his profile. is there a way to display it in the members directory?
bp_has_activities( 'type=personal&action=new_blog_comment&user_id=' .
[Read more]
bp_displayed_user_id() );
global $activities_template;
echo… -
smuda posted on the forum topic Anyone else working on integrating Gigya? in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
doesn’t seem so
smuda posted on the forum topic Custom avatars arent showed on single blogs in WPMU in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
same here :/
smuda joined the group Twit Connect 15 years ago
smuda posted on the forum topic Anyone else working on integrating Gigya? in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
i just can’t get this to work right. anyone succeeded yet?
smuda joined the group Creating & Extending 15 years ago
smuda posted on the forum topic After login in from Login page – page is blank.. in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
hello everyone,
i have the same issue since installing 1.2.2 – anyone able to help? :/
btw: if i then load the domain.tld/ itself, i’m logged in, logging out results in a blank page too. -
smuda joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 15 years ago
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I agree with this