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  • @snapstart


    ty, i didnt realize it was just css, lol – looking for everything to be more complicated!



    ty so much for this!



    ok that works for that part – now i prob need to hack the Site Wide Activity stream a little to prevent it form showing there?



    how do i do that? i see privacy options, but it just talks about it being spidered by bots –



    I mean bp-sn-parent and bp-default

    you are using 1.1.1 or up right?



    well there are members plugins that wont allow the nav to show if the member isnt logged in, one is user access manager – you can specify pages to not show all together, in nav as well – would this work?



    where are the theme files located?

    what happens if you revert to the stock theme 100%?



    why not just add them from the signup page then if you have to add all the fields?



    take a look here

    that is the home page of a wpmu/buddypress install, we are just using a different template, and setting the ‘reading’ option to have the home page a static page



    it is triggered off the wp_footer call – some themes down have it at all in the footer, in that case, put it in – i found some themes have it called in the wrong spot, and have to have it moved up higher(i have gotten the bar at the bottom of the page sometimes) play with the footer, the answer is there!



    those files are in the main parent theme of bp – and called in individual files, like profile/index.php



    this happened when my functions.php was wrong – try reverting back to the bp-parent original functions, and no function.php in the child theme and see if it clears up



    yes, options bar – i did alot of work on those over the weekend to make them narrower, if they is what you are doing let me know and i will share that code!



    thank you! that fixed it



    For the templates? The profile directory



    but, the exact file works from within the bp parent theme, which would suggest not syntax but paths, correct?



    actually, you can just make the new blog – and make the new user the admin on the same page – and a password link will be sent them if they are already not a member –



    well, i still cannot get this to work! when i upload it in my child theme, it just results in a totally blank page

    here is the file if you want to take a look–



    oof – not up to deep integration right now, took forever to get this site live!


    I did some edits in the templates for both the user and the forums, and it now fits much better- i really like the newer userpage,

    see i got the avatar down in the profile section istead of taking up a column by itself –

    for the groups/forums i took the large avatar out and moved everything up



    I am not unhappy with my integration – I just would like a more standard forum, everything is so tight into the groups – i guess i could just make a custom forum template without the optionsbar



    i moved it – and it fixed it, it was being called too late in the footer i guess, TY, i didnt know how that tied in together!



    <?php wp_footer(); ?> it has it – any other suggestions?



    it has to be this part that is causing the problem, any ideas how to make it work called from the child theme folder? i am afraid to do the upgrade to 1.1.2 from 1.1.1 with stuff in the parent them!

    function postimage($width,$height) {

    $scriptpath = get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’);

    $attachments = get_children(array(‘post_parent’ => get_the_ID(), ‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’, ‘post_mime_type’ => ‘image’, ‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’));

    if (!is_array($attachments)) {

    $image = $scriptpath.”/images/empty.gif”;

    echo ‘<img style=”border:none;margin:0;” src=”‘.$scriptpath.’/scripts/timthumb.php?src=’.$image.’&zc=1″ alt=”” />’;


    else {

    $img = array_shift($attachments);

    $imagelink = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img->ID,’full’);

    $image = $imagelink[0];

    echo ‘<img src=”‘.$scriptpath.’/scripts/timthumb.php?src=’.$image.’&w=’.$width.’&h=’.$height.’&zc=1″ alt=”” />’;





    I believe it was actually a propegation issue, although the site was resolving, it was calling to the old database at times- weird! SO i changed localhost to the new site IP and it seems to be fixed-



    i have a post below about the same thing – the columns are not in the right place, everything is shifted over to the right…

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