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  • @snowlas


    This will work I think for the time being. I need to test a couple other things to work with my other plugins.

    Something you should know, the code you gave me works. But I’m not sure it’s talking to the field names, because it doesn’t publicly display any fields now. Even ones that I have not named in the code, like names and the show people work on in my media center. Not a big deal for me, but might be a big deal for someone else. Maybe this will be fixed in the code in 1.7.




    Any ideas anyone? The remove action code did not work. Maybe it’s set up wrong?




    Thanks for the help. I created the custom file like the directions said to and placed the code in like this:

    // hacks and mods will go here

    remove_action( ‘bp_init’, ‘bp_core_wpsignup_redirect’ );

    However, registration page still does the redirect. :/ Any other suggestions? It is in the wp-content/plugins/ directory.



    I don’t know enough to write a patch. If someone knows how to make that into a patch, it would be great. As always, I recommended backing up any files you will be editing, so you can replace them as needed.



    I think I solved it for the most part. Take a look at my solutions and see if it might help you:



    My problem was I was running a plugin that was generating a key as well as buddypress and WordPress wanted the key generated by the first plugin, not the key from the activation email sent out by buddypress.

    You can read about it here:

    it’s lengthy, I know, but I hope it puts you in the right direction if it doesn’t work.



    I want to bump this because I think I’m very close to finally solving this for many of us, but it’s going to need someone who is better at reading PHP or understanding the BP Codex.

    My activation links work if I register from BuddyPress, but not if I register from WordPress. Is everyone else doing the same?

    Here is a link to the new thread in hopes to solve our problem.



    I have no idea. From Event Espresso’s support forums, it looks like something they’ve worked on since November. Now when Event Espresso go to 3.2 (it’s at 3.18) we may see a difference then.

    I just stopped using Member Integration. I was already using Membership from WPMU Dev and all Member Integration was going to do was prefill information for me. But it didn’t work and I’m not heartbroken. Membership did a lot more for me.



    Mark, I just downgraded to 1.5.0 and my activation links are still not copying the code into the activation bar.

    I’m back at 1.5.4 now.

    I would like this solved as well. It seems to be a problem I’m seeing pop up frequently.

    Is anyone else also running these plugins:
    Membership from WPMUDev
    Email Login
    Ultimate Facebook from WPMUDev
    Event Espresso



    Okay, this is what I did to get a register page I needed. It wasn’t a two step set up, but it got me all the information I needed in one menu.

    I don’t use the Buddy Press register page, but rather a plugin called Login Logout. This always directs to the Wordpres login page or register page if they hit join on my site. I have also hidden the admin bar to logged out users.

    I then place the Login Logout widget in a sidebar space so anyone can use it from the front page.

    I used CIMY Extra Fields plugin to add the fields to the register page. I used Custom Login to design my login page.

    You don’t want BuddyPress to handle things like age, location, unless you want to publicize that information to any other buddypress user.

    Take a look:



    Thanks. It’s probably the Membership plugin. Which isn’t possible to keep deactivated. But there’s a way around all of it, so that’s good.

    Any other advice from others?



    I was having this problem last week. I had Event Espresso’s Membership Integration plugin running, which was overriding the buddypress plugin. If you don’t have Event Espresso, it’s a plugin doing this.

    Go in and deactivate individually each plugin and do a check. It’s tedious, I know. But I ended up rebuilding my entire website in a weekend and found out it was just a plugin.

    Event Espresso has been working on BuddyPress integration and they used to have it, but that all changed when BuddyPress went to 1.5 and it broke their own code.





    Oh darn. No such luck. :( I thank you though! I am really thinking this is a problem with the Membership plugin or something. But man, did I hope for that to be my solution!



    So you unchecked the forum configuration in BuddyPress, correct? And then you placed forum in the permalinks settings for all of WordPress? Or is this during the BuddyPress install?

    I ended up getting rid of, or trying to anyways, site-wide forums. What if I want to use group forums – am I able to still do this?

    I appreciate the help. I’ve been desperately searching for an answer for this for days.



    Here is my thread:

    We have Timothy on it! :)



    isis, just a question, are you running the Membership Plugin from WPMUDev?

    Looks like someone else in their community I’m a part of has the same problem I am. But I’m using that plug in. I’m getting help now. I’ll let you know.

    If you’re not, I’d like to know, because then it isn’t the Membership Plugin problem.



    Okay, something else I just noticed.

    If I go into BuddyPress in the Dashboard, and go to Pages, I can individually click view on each option and I can see the pages. They build fine.

    I cannot get my buddy press header links to work. I.E. Going to My Account>Activity or My Account>Profile. Those pages end up white.



    Bump. I need help with this. Right now buddypress is broken on the site and I want to get it back up and running.



    I figured it all out. I used Firebug to grab the custom background CSS and placed it into my main style sheet.

    Then for the getting rid of the side bar, I needed to adapt the code to match what in the full width template file compared to the page file. Then I had to make the same adjustment for the bottom in the sidebar file as well.

    Thank you for all the help! I really needed it!



    Again – many thanks for your hard work! WordPress and BuddyPress are just awesome. I just need help with 2 things. I’m including a photo.

    Screen Capture

    1. I’m not sure where to get the custom background code or if I should place it somewhere in the buddypress default theme or my style sheet.

    2. I went into each page for group, activate, register, activity, etc, that buddy press made. Set the template to a full width template. This did not get rid of the sidebar when I’m in buddypress pages. I want to get rid of the sidebar all together.

    Thank you!



    Background image
    I don’t know where to grab this code. I didn’t see anything in the style.css page. Or where to paste this in the buddy press theme?

    I do have a full width template file. I’m guessing I need to call that template – named tpl-fullwidth.php in the header? I tried to erase calling for the sidebar in the header file. This doesn’t work. I erased the inner div codes on the sidebar-buddypress.php file, but it just erases the information. My content is still small.



    Awesome. Works! The only thing missing is the background image… which I should be able to tinker with in the CSS and get it to work that way.

    If I got rid of the sidebar for a full width view, would it break? If it will, then I’ll leave it alone.

    Thank you so much! Amazing support! :)



    I have not. They are exact copies.

    I appreciate this! Thank you!

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