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  • @sokrates


    In fact it sounds like this issue from 3 yrs ago:



    Sure, sorry! If the OP is still following the thread – have you changed the primary filed in the XProfiles from “name”?



    Hi, Just in case it’s of use….

    I’m a bit of a BP newb, and I’m using a fresh install of WP 3.9.2 and BP 2.0.1

    I’m using a Gravity form as a registration form with the GravityForms User Registration add-on to register BuddyPress users.

    As a newb, I have been experimenting a lot with the XProfile fields, and also noticed that at some stage of the proceedings, I had made a change that resulted in the same problem as in the first post – the WordPress last name value was deleted and the firstname field was set to the nicename when the update profile button was pressed.

    I had changed the primary field in the XProfile fields from “Name”.

    Replacing the primary field as Name, and mapping the “full name” field from the Gravity form to this field in the Gravity User Registration add-on screen seems to solve it for me



    Hi Arpit2011,


    1. Copy the register.php page from the BuddyPress plugin bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\members directory into the root of your theme directory and amend it to your requirements


    2. Install Gravity forms and the Gravity forms user registration plugins and create a form that maps to the extended BuddyPress profiles, and insert it into the page you have chosen in BuddyPress settings.

    After doing either, make sure you have the following in your theme functions.php file

    add_theme_support( ‘buddypress’ );



    Hi @arpit2011,

    Logon to your site Dashboard and from the settings sidebar item select BuddyPress.

    At the top of the BuddyPress settings page you will see three tabs: components, pages and settings. Click on the pages tab, and from here you will see an option to select the register page. Unless you create a new custom registration page in your theme (called register.php), you won’t see much of a difference from the default registration page 🙂



    Silly me – copy the legacy templates over to your child theme …… but don’t forget to add the following line to your child theme’s function.php file:

    add_theme_support( 'buddypress' );

    Doh! My excuse – it’s a Friday afternoon!



    Hi @canadadre and @mercine

    Ron R. advises that this plugin is no longer required with BuddyPress v2 onwards

    To solve your redirection problem in a Genesis child theme, simply create a file in your Genesis child theme called register.php

    Copy the contents of page.php from the main Genesis theme into this file and save.

    Create a new page in the Dashboard e.g. “my new registration page”, assign it as the registration page in the Dashboard > Settings > BuddyPress > Pages et voila!

    From my admittedly limited understanding, copying the legacy templates across from the plugin into your child theme as per the BuddyPress Codex doesn’t work with Genesis – please correct me if I’m wrong dear reader!

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