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  • @sootsnoot


    Ah, thanks! It took a bit of fiddling to find the way to add a new item with custom text and link, but when I did, it worked exactly as I wanted!



    Yes. I guess my silly little problem is that I don’t know how to edit the main site menu. I’m using the Divi theme, which by default adds the pages I create to the menu. I need to find the setting to manually add items to that menu. Though, IMHO, such an item really belongs in the BuddyPress admin bar dropdown, under the Friends item…

    Thanks for clarifying the actual problem!



    Well, yes, it exists in the sense that you can enter the url, and see the desired content. The questioon is how to make the page prominent. If I create a page, then I can put a link on it to go to the /members url. But I wanted to create a page (listed among the pages on my site) that would display that content. I actually tried using the Insert Page plugin, but I couldn’t get it to work for me. Guess I could dig into iframes a bit. It just seems strange that after all these years, BuddyPress doesn’t make it very easy for users to find the other members of a site to whom they could make friends or invite to join a group…



    Well, it was in the same source file, but the regular expression I was using to find similar queries wasn’t good enough. I needed to tweak bp_blogs/bp_blogs_classes.php:get() to make the content displayed on the Sites page consistent with the total number of sites produced by bp_blogs/bp_blogs_classes.php:get_all() and displayed inside the “All Sites” button on that page. Sorry for wasting people’s time.

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