I found this at a forum… I guess my problem was, I had first installed the BuddyPress templates and THEN put Buddymatic in. Hopefully I fix it. yikes.
Ron says:
April 10, 2010 at 4:30 pm
Buddymatic is Thematic with a few extra functions and the BuddyPress templates. If you did something like make Thematic a Buddymatic child (or visa versa), you would get that result. Also, if you are running the BP template pack, you MUST remove it before activating Buddymatic.
Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, I am unable to get into my theme directory for some reason. Im using filezilla, and I guess Im not using the right passcode. Really odd. I’ll harass my web guy and see if he can get to the files.
Oh, and it was buddymatic that I installed.