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  • @starprintbrokers


    Registration is still associated with the Register page. I switched to a BP theme and it is no different. When I went to Pages>Register, I find that ll of the html code is stripped out. The pages are there. but no code. It’s pretty much useless to me.



    I am stuck again. I worked with my host and had the entire site removed. I removed themes, WordPress, everything to start with a fresh install. I installed WordPress, then BuddyPress and them Salutaion. To my relief, all the pages showed up. I tested it by going going to the template’s “Register” and “Sign in buttons on the first page. They worked fine. In Register on that front pagepull down menu, I clicked the “Sign up instantly!” button. It took me right to the Registration page, just as it should. I starting add in photos, and content to the Why MeggieBooks and the Get in Touch pages. I’ve been careful not to change many settings unless so I would not run into trouble. I have not added any plugins. So I was just showing it off, and pressed the “Sign up Instantly!” button and it now takes me to the front page, or maybe doesn’t take me anywhere. I see that all the content is now gone on the Registration page.



    Just gettng back to this project.

    @mercime, I did confirm that Salutaion will work with the current BuddyPress theme.

    Hugo, if this doesn’t work, then I will ask my host provider to wipe out the entire site and I’ll start over. It’s not such a loss, as I am still building the site. I can easily create those missing pages with those names, but would imagine there is code and are layouts that I cannot replicate. I would say my skill level is probably just short of intermediate, so I would rather play it safe than build any more content. I’ve save what I built in Word docs anyway!



    Thank you. I am checking with the Salutation author and then I will follow your instructions.



    Actually, I already had BuddyPress Template pack installed. I just activated it again, and tired again. I clicked repair on that message, and still, there are no pages by those names in teh pull down menus.

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