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  • @steadwell


    Thanks Boone & Paul! I think I’ve got it narrowed down to conflict with ‘BuddyPress Like’ plugin and/or a couple of bbPress related plugins (‘bbPress’, ‘bbPress Integration’).




    I never got to a point where there was an installation wizard. I read the notice regarding before installing 1.5 which basically stressed the importance of backing up.



    The reference to crossdomain.xml is probably caused by my server settings as my blog is a sub-domain and my bbPress installation is in a sub-folder on the domain. The bbpress settings in the BuddyPress Forums setup in wp-admin say that things are set-up correctly but suggests a re-install if there is a problem (as you most likely well know). I am worried about a re-install because my bbPress has a lot of work involved and I don’t want to impact it.

    I’ve had fits with this same issue in the past, and got it settled down to a workable condition. It has to do with the salt parameters, etc… between the 2 installations.

    To put it briefly, I’m afraid to re-install, however, I’ll keep chipping away at it.

    Thanks for your input Paul!

    Update:The forum topics entered through the BP groups forum are getting posted on the bbPress side, but the interface between my Buddypress/Wordpress is not smooth and the author is assigned “anonymous”.



    I had removed the tick marks the last time, but this time it wasn’t wrapped in tick marks. Anyway – The new update got me to step 3 in the process. Now all I have to do is learn the ins & outs of BuddyPress.

    So far things look good! Thanks for your help and I’ll post here if I run into any other glitches!



    Change to line #48, as prescribed, causes HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error), so I changed it back for now.



    Where would I look for a “network mode” setting?

    Attempting to access the BP Compatibility page from the dashboard, results in an error page with the message:

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    All the associated files and folders on my server are to set to allow full capablities.

    BTW, Thanks for your quick response!

    Also, I didn’t notice the BP Compatibility prompt until I upgraded to WP 3.1.3. I noticed on the plugin page that the BP Template Pack had not been tested with “my version of WP”, so perhaps I am in uncharted waters. I’ll leave the plug-in activated since it doesn’t seem to be causing any problems as it sits. I never fully went through the buddypress set-up in the past and only have a very limited amount of the BP functionality, (i.e. menu bar, access to dashboard)



    I am on WP 3.1.3 with the Twenty-Ten child theme. I noticed a message in the dashboard that prompted the completion of the template pack set-up by linking to the BP Compatibility page, however, I get a permission error when attempting to access the page. Since I’m not using a BP child template, I don’t have a BP Compatibility option in my Appearances in the dashboard.

    I upgraded the template pack to 1.1.2 last night, yet still have the same issue regarding permission to –


    Anyone else have this dilemma?

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