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  • @stevekeller




    Right on!! I am testing out BB Press, but good to know the role of permalinks. Nick…could you do a couple of screenshots to clarify what you did?

    Glad you got an answer. As Ahhnold would say…”I’lll be backkk?”

    Best, Steve



    Hey Shane,
    Seems like the Orig. Poster had a similar experience, yet you guys didn’t answer his questions… Here, for convenience…

    “as soon as I activate BuddyPress, the home page disappears and is replaced by the “Members” page. I’ve tried disabling “enable default front page for member profiles” but this has no effect. If I disassociate the “members” page in BuddyPress settings, the home page returns, but member profiles become inaccessible (404 error). Is there a way to have the standard home page but allow access to the member’s profile via another link in the menu somewhere (and by clicking the link under a member avatar)?”

    Thanks, Steve



    Thanks for confirming what I guess is standard protocol for BuddyPress, the taking over of a site home page. I was curious about the BP page designations that just appeared, and not through the std. WordPress “Add New” avenue. I deactivated until I understand it better.

    Did you find a good step-by-step guide for the install, or am I overthinking this?

    Steve Keller

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