David Lewis replied to the forum topic Email Formatting in the group BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 13 years, 2 months ago
Is no one else having an issue with this? It’s a great plugin but the daily digest emails are essentially useless because they don’t even preserve paragraph breaks within group updates… let alone anything […]
David Lewis started the forum topic Email Formatting in the group BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 13 years, 3 months ago
The digest that are getting sent for my site are extremely difficult to read because the email content has all of the paragraph breaks stripped out. Would be nice if the emails could at least retain the paragraph […]
David Lewis posted an update in the group BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 13 years, 3 months ago
Would be great if the email notifications maintained formatting… at least the line breaks.
David Lewis posted an update in the group Events Manager 13 years, 6 months ago
Anyone know if this is officially BP1.5 compliant yet?
David Lewis joined the group Events Manager 13 years, 6 months ago
David Lewis posted on the forum topic Did 1.2.9 get rid of the ability to disable friending? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 8 months ago
OOPS!!! Sorry. Just found the setting. Seems odd that updating from 1.2.8 to 1.2.9 would have turned that component back on.
David Lewis started the forum topic Did 1.2.9 get rid of the ability to disable friending? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 8 months ago
Did 1.2.9 get rid of the ability to disable friending?
David Lewis posted on the forum topic BuddyPress and Shared Hosting in the group Installing BuddyPress: 13 years, 11 months ago
Now that BuddyPress runs on WordPress in single blog mode… what do people think about running BuddyPress on a shared host in single blog mode with a community of maybe 175 members. Again… there would just be the ONE parent blog. No sub-blogs.
David Lewis joined the group Installing BuddyPress 13 years, 11 months ago
David Lewis started the forum topic ”BuddyPress is confusing” in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years ago
I hear this all the time from everyone from “stupid users” to professional colleagues with 10+ years of experience in web design and UX. And I have to admit that they are right. Even I, as someone who has used BP and installed it for clients for almost 2 years, sometimes find myself on a […]
David Lewis posted a new activity comment 14 years, 3 months ago
Understood. Developing free software must be frustrating. I guess it has to be more a labour of love or developing something that you yourself would use and maybe only adding features that you yourself would use. Or perhaps switching to a paid or freemium model. I have sometimes developed plugins for clients and been temped to release it to the…[Read more]
David Lewis posted a new activity comment 14 years, 3 months ago
No. It was just a suggestion. Not a big enough deal for our volunteer community organization to pay for. If It were I would have emailed you and said “I really need this, can you do it? I’d be will to pay”. People should be able to offer suggestions and feedback without being solicited.
Sorry, I just get so many request for features – and basically 0 donations. So it is a little bit unbalanced. I’d like to add the features, and fix all the bugs, but no one pays me to do it… and no one else does it.
Understood. Developing free software must be frustrating. I guess it has to be more a labour of love or developing something that you yourself would use and maybe only adding features that you yourself would use. Or perhaps switching to a paid or freemium model. I have sometimes developed plugins for clients and been temped to release it to the…[Read more]
David Lewis posted an update in the group BuddyPress Group Email Subscription: 14 years, 3 months ago
My groud admins find is very confusing to have two places where the can send group updates… the standard group update form and the forced email option under admin > email options. Suggest that the forced group emails get sent up doing a normal group update and having a checkbox for admin users only that says “override users group email settings…[Read more]
great idea, if you’d like to sponsor it’s development let me know 🙂
No. It was just a suggestion. Not a big enough deal for our volunteer community organization to pay for. If It were I would have emailed you and said “I really need this, can you do it? I’d be will to pay”. People should be able to offer suggestions and feedback without being solicited.
Sorry, I just get so many request for features – and basically 0 donations. So it is a little bit unbalanced. I’d like to add the features, and fix all the bugs, but no one pays me to do it… and no one else does it.
Understood. Developing free software must be frustrating. I guess it has to be more a labour of love or developing something that you yourself would use and maybe only adding features that you yourself would use. Or perhaps switching to a paid or freemium model. I have sometimes developed plugins for clients and been temped to release it to the…[Read more]
David Lewis posted an update in the group Invite Anyone: 14 years, 3 months ago
Downloading 0.7.1 = 404 error
David Lewis joined the group Invite Anyone 14 years, 3 months ago
David Lewis posted on the forum topic Buddyvents 1.2.2 in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years, 4 months ago
I’m more than willing to pay for the plugin but do you then also have to pay $10 per month to gain access to a support forum?
David Lewis posted a new activity comment 14 years, 4 months ago
Cool. Im sure you have lots of ideas but one way might be to just have an “email everyone” checkbox next to the update form for group admins
David Lewis posted an update in the group BuddyPress Group Email Subscription: 14 years, 4 months ago
This plugin is amazing. One Request. I like the option of sending and email to the entire group regardless of their settings. We use buddypress as an intranet for your search and rescue organization and it is absolutely critical sometimes to make sure everyone gets certain communications (like the GPS coordinates for an active search). However, I…[Read more]
I totally agree – I’ll add it to the long list of things to do. don’t forget to rate the plugin at https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-group-email-subscription/
Cool. Im sure you have lots of ideas but one way might be to just have an “email everyone” checkbox next to the update form for group admins
David Lewis joined the group BuddyPress Group Email Subscription 14 years, 4 months ago
David Lewis posted on the forum topic "Auto Group Join" plugin added in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 4 months ago
There is an old plugin that auto-joins based on profile information, but this plugin is much simpler than that. All it does is add new members to selected groups automatically. That’s it. It would not be a solution for what you’re trying to do.
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