Hi @strangerrj,
How do you generate the /the_messaging_page/ part in php?
I used it just like that inside the template but it didn’t return anything. But if I only use an action hook like
`add_action( ‘the_content’, ‘bp_add_friend_button’, 5 );`
Then the same button appears in all the posts. First I thought this worked but when I clicked the button all the buttons in all the posts became ‘cancel friendship request’
Ok, thanks. I installed that plugin but that is a partial solution, if the users can find that feature in their profiles.
But ideally I want to be able to call a user’s profile with their ID or their “Name”.
This is really nonsense. People do not want to become a member because this field is public by default and most of them don’t know how to change it.
It’s really annoying.