Forum Replies Created
Hey Bowe,
Bedankt voor de tip. Ik heb Xevo gecontacteerd. Het zou me in ieder geval heel veel werk besparen dus appreciëer zeker het werk van Xevo.
Leuk om te merken dat er hier nog Nederlandstaligen rondhangen!
Stellen jullie je vertalingen ter beschikking of dien ik dit warm water opnieuw uit te vinden? Ik heb wel een ‘oude’ vertaling hier op de site gevonden, maar ik draai ondertussen de laatste versie van Buddypress.
Ik zou het dus erg waarderen als andere Nederlandstaligen hier ook gebruik van mogen maken.
Alvast bedankt voor jullie reactie
Sorry I disturbed you, I found a solution myself. <form method=”post”> works perfect. No action needed…
Not the right solution I think because now I can insert whatever html tags
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help! Your code works for all the tags given, but not for the images
The correct code for inserting a picture is put in the database (without escape character for the quote). But when I look into the fora I can’t see a picture, because In the code of that page, there’s put an escape character before the quote’s.
I removed the add_filter( ‘bp_get_the_topic_post_content’, ‘wp_filter_kses’, 1 ); in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/forums/bp-forums-filters.php and this solved the problem!!
The next step is to remove this filter in your custom.php file so I can leave buddypress as it is.
Thanks a lot!!
@Detective: After inserting your code in /wp-content/themes/bp-sn-parent/functions.php I get a white page
Sorry for my ignorance but is this the right place? I’m just using the standard Buddypress theme
@Boone Gorges: Thanks for your comment, that’s probably the next step, but first I need to see the images in the forum-posts I’ll have a look at your plugin
Thanks a lot for your code Detective!
Do I have to place this code in a specific file (allow-images.php ?) and where do I have to place this file? Or do I have to change the code in bp-forums-filters.php?
Thanks for your help!!
Thanks for the tip DJPaul!
With the Skeleton Component Plugin I could allready write a simple plugin. But it seems now I have to look how to rewrite this BBPress plugin… I’ll try
I have WPMU 2.8.4.a en Buddypress 1.1.1 I try to use the Allow Images plugin (no admin page) ( I made a folder my-plugins (under wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress) and placed the file allow-images.php in this folder, with no result. Is there a way to activate this plugin?
Moving the bbPress dir to mu-plugins seems me tricky? What if there is a new Buddypress release?
Thanks for your help!
I found the answer myself, so maybe it can help other people. It’s the fault of the Events plugin, when you deactivate this plugin everything works again. Hopefully there will be an update of this plugin soon, because I really need this functionallity. If there is a workaround for this problem, please let me know.
In meantime I started with the plugin from Manoj Kumar, it’s based on the skeleton component and works in 1.1.1 But there changed a lot of things, before 1.1 I just could include a php file which used HTML_QuickForm. When I do this now and I submit my form I always get the mainpage
Ideas are welcome
Hello guys,
Same problem here. White screen of dead…
bp-example.php and /bp-example/ are in the plugin root folder
For testing purposes I use Xampp.