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Hmm, I was under the impression batcache would only cache public pages (non-logged in users). The above seems to indicate otherwise. Is batcache really buddypress aware (I noticed the last update of the plugin via the repo was back in April ’09).
Search around for how to translate bp and create your own language file. This will make it much easier and will keep you out of the core files (which is highly advised). Good luck!
@modemlooper Check out this guy’s post regarding a blackhole setup for search bots that don’t respect robots.txt: Could easily be modified to to do what your talking about regarding the default register slug.
Welcome aboard!
Absolutely, this is the default behavior. This site, for example, is running buddypress, so by joining and logging in you just experienced BP goodness. Also check out That is a default install of BP and represents what you get out of the box.
Great job! The initial rev is working out nicely!
@travel-junkie Mapology is looking stellar! Just checked out the group overlay and wow, way to go! To fill folks in, if a group has many maps/routes, the overlay shows all the relevant routes on a single map to easily see all routes in relation to each other. Brilliant!
Ha, that is kinda annoying… I did a fresh install the other day and it helps to sort by ‘Most Popular’
Then it shows up within the top of the first page.
@travel-junkie Hot damn! It’s looking brilliant thus far, keep up the good work!
There are a few others that have run into this as well, avatars on sub blogs trying to locate avatars under /files/avatars/ instead of /wp-content/uploads/avatars/. Another thread: I noticed this behavior after applying 1.2.6.
Once the fields are populated by a user, they will show up within their public profile page.
Wow, nicely done. I wasn’t expecting the ability to create routes within the system (was expecting just uploads) that’s bloody awesome! Can’t wait for the first release
Do you have access to the server to check permissions on those folders? Anything out of the norm?
For routes… Possibly allowing for a small kml or gpx file to be uploaded and displayed per group.
So, has anyone given this plugin a shake down? It’s been a few months now…
@travel-junkie very interested! Regarding routes support; what are your thoughts about enabling GPX support (import/export). I have a ton of idea’s…
I’m seeing this issue within the Admin Bar on my sub-domains, too. I don’t think it’s that related to the sub-themes. The source for the avatar has changed from ‘/wp-content/uploads/avatars/…’ to ‘/files/avatars/…’. Hopefully it’s a just a bug.
Can anyone with 1.2.6 knowledge comment on this? What is this new path structure? Bug?
What host provider are you running the install from? Do you have command line access?
Hmm, now that you mention it I’m seeing the same thing on my subdomain blogs (using a rev of 2010 theme on subblogs, wih bp-default/minor child customizations on my main site). Gravatars still show up, but not user defined avatars. My most notable change as of late has been BP 1.2.6.
@topracer, what bp rev are you running?
Do you have any other pluginstthemes installed? Try disabling s2member temporarily and using the out of the box theme. I just had a very similar issue with facestream causing issues with group setup/avatars on my end.
Your site isn’t allowing registrations
Which permalink structure did you define? What is defined for the following values:
$base = ‘/’;
define( ‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’ );
define( ‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’ );
(check your wp-config.php)Does it only happen when logged in? I’m not seeing any errors when browsing to your site?
Buddypress needs permalinks setup before installation. Check out this brief install guide :
Really digging your Events plugin – nicely done. Awaiting the support access so I can bring up a couple points regarding the date fields and js calendar picker!
What happens when BP_ROOT_BLOG is set to 1, or your default blog?
Also, what do you have set for DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE? Is it set to
This site is not meant for production support; what ‘service’ are you referring to anyway (obviously everyone here is volunters, though mainly enthusiasts).
Your posts aren’t including any technical details around your setup yet you’re expecting a resolution? What version of wordpress? What version of buddypress? What version of php/apache? Multisite enabled? What do you see in your error log? What has recently changed in the environment, plugins, themes, etc?