11 years, 8 months ago
<?php } /*EDIT*/ function filter_xprofile_groups_with_acl() { global $bp, $profile_template, $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); foreach($profile_template->groups as $key => $profile_group) { if( ! in_array($profile_group->id, $this->user_allowed_xprofile_groups) ) { unset($profile_template->groups[$key]); } } } /*EDIT*/ function filter_xprofile_groups_with_acl() {} function block_screen_edit_profile() {
azchipka, would you happen to have a copy maybe of the file you edited?
Maybe they changed the scripts in the last three months, but following directions exactly and it keeps giving me a fatal error.
Please delete this topic/thread. Remade it the proper forum with more information.