themightymo started the forum topic Editing the blog loop in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 3 months ago
Hello! I would like to change the url in the blog loop link to “http://link.to.blog/category/blog” rather than “http://link.to.blog”. Should I add an action to the action hook, “bp_directory_blogs_actions”? If so, could you push me in the right direction as to how to do that? I have added actions before on the theme side, but those […]
themightymo started the forum topic bp_blog_avatar Filter? in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 3 months ago
I would like to add a custom avatar on the BuddyPress blogs listing. On line #205 of bp-core-avatars.php (http://phpxref.ftwr.co.uk/buddypress/nav.html?bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php.source.html) in the “bp_blog_avatar” function, there is a comment that says, “…you can use a filter with the ID of the blog to change (the avatar) if you wish.” What…[Read more]
themightymo posted an update in the group WP Activate Users: 14 years, 4 months ago
I am running WordPress 3.0.1 with BuddyPress 1.2.6.
I installed the “User Activation Keys” plugin, but I seem to be having
a problem with the activation email. When I try to activate an
account via the plugin, I get the following error message:“Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_page_title() in /home/…[Read more]
themightymo started the forum topic Private Group Permalink Redirects to Home Page in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years, 8 months ago
Hello, fellow BuddyPress’rs! On the groups page, I have a list of all the groups, both public and private. If I attempt to gain access to a private group when I am not logged in, I am redirected to the home page. Is there any way to redirect to an error page? It works fine […]
Active 2 months, 3 weeks ago
BTW: I am using WordPress Multi-Site.
FYI: I solved the problem by changing line #73 to this:
echo ‘approve | delete unused key‘;
good to hear that the problem has been solved. I really wish that these forums would email me when someone makes a comment. i am not trying to ignore anyone/anything. I apologize for not answering sooner
I received an email when you replied. Are your notification settings where you want them? https://buddypress.org/community/members/themightymo/settings/notifications/
BTW, my code got cut off. You can view my solution here: http://www.themightymo.com/2010/10/22/user-activation-keys-plugin-displaying-error/
What is weird is that i just got an email with your reply. Anyway…glad to see the solution. Sorry i couldn’t help in a more timely manner.
Thanks for the code – I had to do a couple more tweaks since I run BP on a secondary blog.
1. Redefine the BP_ACTIVATION_SLUG in bp-custom.php
2. Changed the URL on line 127 of wp-activate-users.php from /activate/activate?key to /myblog/activate?key
The Users-WP Activate Users page is still a little wonky. After activating a user, it stops…[Read more]