5 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for your reply. There’s no option available on WP Multisite sub websites Screen Options to select BuddyPress. That’s the problem. Only the BuddyPress options are available on root site. Buddypress plugin enabled as network wide.
Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/nxvz6a
Currently I’m using an alternative way (Reg. expressions) to redirect properly. But still there’s an issue. Thank you!
6 years ago
Thanks for your quick reply. I just tried now and It works for me 🙂
Thank you for reply. I tried as you mentioned but I’m not understand about how to use the ‘UserName’ in WordPress menu.
BuddyPress allowed (Profile > Edit screen ) only below links to add into the WP menu directly. https://prnt.sc/mqtrvs
Thank you!