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  • @timothyjunior


    I was saying I need to locate the topics folder, but not have luck making the forums work



    let me look into this, it might take me a while seeing as I do not have a bp site of my own



    Hi alice, I uploaded a fix, please go to your admin panel and see if the “0.3” version of the plugin is available.



    could you post the code your using? This warning isn’t happening when i tested it.



    please replace `$this_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;`
    with this `$this_id = bp_displayed_user_id();`



    @naijaping hey my mentions tag is this ( @timothyjunior) I would have replied sooner but i really only look at my profile for mentions.

    I just checked my own theme for this , and as you said it doesn’t list any folders so I can’t locate mine within wordpress either.

    I edit my files threw cpanel. Did you edit your files like instructed?



    @naijaping where did you create the file member-header.php inside your theme



    actually I was aiming towards just that, after looking into the bp_has_members function reference in the online user widget. My code looked somewhat similar to theirs but mine wasn’t returning anything.

    I suggest using that forum topic to provide an online status.

    Sorry it took so long, i have been jumping back in forth threw different projects.

    @Cheese. I probably would have seen this sooner if you had mentioned me in your posts



    Your welcome, glad it works.



    Ok alice, try this
    delete the first plugin folder.

    go to wp-admin.php
    go to plugins
    add a new plugin
    and search “bp activity comments”
    That should be the stable version.

    *edit: tested them all. They are all stable versions including the main files.



    Yes, that’s because i forgot a file and wp and bp has not updated the folders on their server. Please uninstall, sorry about that. Didn’t think it would be this complicated.



    it goes directly after ` `

    Please don’t install the plugin just yet, it will take a few minutes before the main file propagates to the servers of both bp and wp



    yes alice, thanks I just remembered to add that to my last post. Please let me know if everything works correctly.

    *edit: just saw your site, please uninstall. Guess there are still a few bugs…
    *edit: I left out the main file, just finished it a few hours ago but didn’t upload it. It might take a few minutes to propagate to the wordpress server



    @janismo @Aliceembroid @el_terko @phoenon @4ella @digte WordPress and Buddypress finally registered it

    *edit: If you plan on installing this plugin, please note that you must undo any changes made that were previously discussed within this forum topic.



    Thanks @digte , let me look into it and if I am able to post it there I will post a link.

    *edit, wordpress approved the plugin, I have a link to the plugin as soon as possible



    Thanks. I’m not sure yet, I think Bp Comments Collapse and Expand or just Bp Comments for short. They still haven’t reviewed it, and I have to learn how to upload to a subversion respiratory with tortoiseSvn which looks really complicated.



    So did it work correctly for anyone?



    Ok I am getting some errors i need to look over, i’ll see if i can have this worked out sometime tomorrow.



    hmm. let me look at the bp codex function reference, and see what i can do.



    Just use ` Online Offline `



    The code still works but, she just commented out the script for now @digte . alice reported a bug and I’m in the works of fixing it.

    *edit : wordpress is reviewing the plugin now, not sure how long it will take but when it’s available i’ll let you know



    Ok alice, I made a few modification when developing this plugin, so once I am able to figure out how to submit it to wordpress it will be downloadable and we can see if the problem persists.



    @gunju2221 Ok, let me know if you want any mods or if it’s not working correctly. ( if its working at all, let me know, thanks)



    Sorry @vegasparty607 but in order for this to look right I will need a link to “your site” . either way i meant for 117px to be 130px i edited my last update , review it.
    The span’s css is ` `

    @naijaping make sure you made the folders `wp-content/themes/(yourTheme)/members/single/member-header.php`
    and not `wp-content/themes/(yourTheme)/member-header.php`

    @mikey3d thanks for pointing that out, if that isn’t his site then he must be using the same theme, I have had alot of people wanting help but most don’t like to link to their sites. Kinda odd, since a link with help promote their site.



    @vegasparty607 change #item-header-avatar css `width:160px;height:180px`
    change span’s css `padding: 4px 30px; top:180`
    in the jquery change `130px` to `160px` and `150px` to `180px`

    that should do it, let me know

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