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  • troopleader


    OK, so I figured mine out! It is located in the Paid Memberships Pro – Settings – Levels. When you are setting up or editing a level, scroll to the very bottom and open “Other Settings”. Set the “Unlock BuddyPress:” to “Yes, give members access to specific features.” Then start clicking yes or no on which features you want them to have access to. There is one option that says “Joining Groups” (of course set it to yes). The default setting when you make a new member level is “No – lock all access to BuddyPress”.

    After I made those changes to every single membership level it started working. I hope this is all that is wrong with yours. I’ve had a heck of a time setting this site up. Most of my problems have been solved with tweaking settings in hidden corners of the site. I’m working on the gamipress and had to restore from backups twice. I kept screwing up the badges and quests. I wanted two types of badges and two types of quests, but the theme just doesn’t support it without me having to stumble around a bunch of code. I’m not that competent! LOL!



    I haven’t come up with a solution to the time difference yet; however, I found out that the join groups button is just basically double clicking. I don’t know why, but it is working now for me. Finicky but working.



    I’m using Vikinger too and having this exact same problem! Did you ever find out what is causing the issue? I’m also having issues with the time in notifications being -6 hours. Are you having that issue too?

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