t.sjogren posted an update in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 6 months ago
The users email is not displayed in the profile page. Only in members/user/settings/. In my installation i really want to have the email in the profile page also. How can this be done?
I tried fetching it from the database table using $bp->displayed_user->id integer av passing it as a argument to get_userdata and then echo it out someware in…[Read more]
t.sjogren posted an update 14 years, 9 months ago
@jeffsayre Hi Jeff
I know there is a forum topic about the Swedish translation here:
But it would be better i the topic was discussed in this group: https://buddypress.org/community/groups/localization/
Is it possible for you to move it? Or should i just…[Read more]
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I have moved this “update” to a thread instead. https://buddypress.org/community/groups/how-to-and-troubleshooting/forum/topic/display-email-on-profilepage/