7 years, 11 months ago
Hi,I have one more question about this automatic message.When the code has not been changed, the language was displayed in Japanese.But I changed code to you said,the language is display in English.Please tell me how to change to Japanese.
I would like to hide dashboard.The location is red circle.How do I do?
I have another question.I would like to change “username” upper the log in text box.
I understand about that.The issue is solved.Thanks a lot.
I find the file.I have one more question.How do I delete just “ID name”?
Ok.Thank you so much.
I understand.Why my buddypress don’t have file: \buddypress\bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\activity\post-form.php?Please tell me your opinion.
Thank you.The problem has solved.And I have one more question.Do you have any way to delete just the name?
I did looking for the file that you said.But I couldn’t find the file that you said.Do you have another way to solve this issue?
Hi,Bunty.Thank you for reply.I attached screenshot.The language is Japanese.And Where can I do the line you said?