xberserker posted on the forum topic CubePoints Buddypress Integration error after upgrade latest in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 14 years, 6 months ago
@twinfinity @umablu @intimez @dubya1337 @bmtrnavsky Ok, for those with WP3MU or WPMU I did some testing I didn’t change any code but got the error to go away. Go to Super Admin > Sites > Select the secondary install and click “backend” Then go to the BP Cubepoints settings. It’s probably all blank, it was on mine. Just fill in […]
tonyzeoli posted on the forum topic How much PHP Memory should be allocated to BuddyPress? in the group Installing BuddyPress: 14 years, 8 months ago
Okay, so I knew about the php.ini settings in my work with WordPress. Silly me…I thought using that trick wouldn’t change the setting on 1and1, since the tech support told me that they had it set to 30 MB. Well…guess what? It worked. I set it to 128 and voila…instant BuddyPress. @UmaBlu, @techguy – you were both […]
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