VirtualityStudio started the forum topic [Nevermind] content padding in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 11 months ago
This is probably a stupid question, but I can’t figure it out to save my life. Is there a way to reduce the padding around the content on only a single page?
VirtualityStudio posted on the forum topic content padding in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 11 months ago
nevermind, what i was trying to do isn’t going to work anyway 🙂
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic possible bug? in the group BP Group Hierarchy: 14 years ago
that is on a new site… in internet explorer with the newest versions of wp and bp. there are other plugins running as well.
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic possible bug? in the group BP Group Hierarchy: 14 years ago
same thing has been happening to me. it worked great on a site i did a few months back, but now when the plugin is turned on i can’t access any of my groups, and if i create a group within a parent group it creates an empty group that i cannot delete even with […]
VirtualityReiki joined the group BP Group Hierarchy 14 years ago
VirtualityReiki started the forum topic [Resolved] can't open group page in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
having trouble with a new install of buddypress… when i click on a group it redirects to the groups directory and i can’t open the group to edit it, look at it… or anything. i’ve tried to reinstall buddypress, but still can’t get it to work. any ideas?
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic cant open group page in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
deactivated it, then reactivated and now everything is playing nicely together… go figure 🙂
Thanks so much for your help everyone!!!!!
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic cant open group page in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
That was the culprit! So sad though because it works so well to organize things. I wonder if I activate it again after adding all the groups if everything will still work. Happy and bummed at the same time!
Thank you Mercime! I was about to delete my whole site and start over!!!! 🙂
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic cant open group page in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Problem is visible here: http://www.globalmeditationgroupcom/groups/ Platform 1.1.3 theme WordPress 3.1 Buddypress… whatever the newest version is, I installed it through wordpress… so I can’t imagine it would be in the wrong place. I haven’t done anything with multisite. Plugins: oh boy… here we go 🙂 add new default avatar askimet all in…[Read more]
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic Backing Up or Moving Buddypress to a new domain in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
I found a plugin that can back up the buddypress files, but it backs it up to an sql file with the wordpress files included… can i import that into an existing installation without screwing up everything or is there a way to just bring over the forum/group data?
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic user blogs without multisite in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
ooh! awesome, sounds just like what I need to do! thanks so much!!!!!
VirtualityReiki started the forum topic Backing Up or Moving Buddypress to a new domain in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
I have buddypress installed and running inside of wordpress, but am completely confused about where the sql file (or whatever other file the data lives in) for the buddypress forums is. I am currently creating a new site (different domain name) and want to move the buddypress forums section off of the old site and […]
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic user blogs without multisite in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 1 month ago
hmmmm… that just might work 🙂
now i just have to figure out how to create a “blog” tab in the profile to give it a home and get it to run though there. thanks! 🙂
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic merge friends Acrivity And Personal Activity in one page in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 1 month ago
Has anyone figured this one out? I tried putting the code into custom.php and functions.php… but nothing happened. I second the idea above to merge all the personal, friends, groups and mentions into one as well… people are so used to the way fb works, it would be nice to do that for them 🙂
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic user blogs without multisite in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 1 month ago
I have groups set up, but I had some people ask for their own “blog” though, which I’m a bit reluctant to do because of spam / server space issues. I thought if it was just a glorified activity stream thing it might be easier to keep under control. Gravity forms sound interesting… have to […]
VirtualityReiki started the forum topic user blogs without multisite in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 1 month ago
is there a way to enable users to have a blog running through their activity/profile area without needing to enable multisite. i don’t want them to have their own huge thing going on through our site, just sort of a mini-blog that the other users can read that can be more in-depth than a status […]
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic Help! Cant sign into the forum/groups pages 🙁 in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 2 months ago
problem solved… the www was missing from the addresses of the custom entries. Doh!
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic Help! Cant sign into the forum/groups pages 🙁 in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 2 months ago
It works if I type the address into the address bar, but not from the menu??? why??? 🙁
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic Help! Cant sign into the forum/groups pages 🙁 in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 2 months ago
nevermind that… worked a minute ago, now doesn’t work again. confused.
VirtualityReiki posted on the forum topic Help! Cant sign into the forum/groups pages 🙁 in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 2 months ago
seems to be ok, i guess there is a difference between groups/ and groups without the slash at the end… go figure, lol! now i just gotta update the menu 🙂
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