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  • @w84me


    @Kyneee I have an option to register, and users get an email with login and password, but it doesn’t redirect to their profile and no page is created for them. So they login from the hompage and it just refreshes the home page and that’s it. I’ve registered 3 users and it shows them logged in but all they are is registered, nothing else.



    The BP Template Pack plugin hasn’t been tested w/WP 3.3.2, so I guess I’ll try the BP default theme instead and report the results ASAP.



    Paul, I haven’t tried it yet. Thanks for the tip on switching back if problems persist. I’ll test that option if the template pack plugin doesn’t work.



    @mercime thanks for the response. To answer your questions:

    WP version = 3.3.2
    BP version = 1.5.5

    Hosted w/Hostgator

    I went through the Installation Wizard, step-by-step and confirmed everything. I performed and confirmed each step several times.

    Site URL: boostego

    WP Theme = Themefuse: Sportedge

    I did not install and activate the BP Template Pack plugin to make the theme compative with BuddyPress. I’m not sure of what the steps would be to “fix the HTML structure of the BP template files”. Could you please elaborate? TIA..



    I turned off all plugins except BuddyPress, but my results are the same. I checked settings, permalink, etc., but the only thing that’s working is user registers, but profile is not created, user is not redirected to profile, and none of the pages are being created. I added fields to profile page and the fields did not display. Can someone help please? Thanks!



    Thanks Paul, I’ll try that. My ultimate goal is to allow users to setup a profile, create a page and add their own images, videos and other social networking info.

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