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  • @wabugi


    The widget I use is located at buddypress/bp-blogs/bp-blogs-widgets.php

    The widget is calling this function to get the blog posts: $posts = bp_blogs_get_latest_posts( null, $instance[‘max_posts’] )

    Could I apply a filter right after that and before the blog posts are displayed?

    I know I should go and learn the basics of wp coding but I sadly don’t have the time for that at the moment :(

    Would be cool if anyone could give me a hint.



    I know this post is 8 months old. But maybe there are still people looking for the answer. And here is is:

    open wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-blogs/bp-blogs-widgets.php

    Look for these lines:

    <?php if ( !$counter ) : ?>

    <div class=”item-content”><?php echo bp_create_excerpt($post->post_content) ?></div>

    <?php endif; ?>

    Now remove the loop. It should now look like this:

    <div class=”item-content”><?php echo bp_create_excerpt($post->post_content) ?></div>

    The widget will now display an exerpt of every blog post.






    Is there a widget planned which displays recent posts filterable by categories?

    Or should I continue working on an own solution there (or keep on searching for one^^) ?



    Many thanks for the answer.

    That’s exactly what I was looking for. Multiple choice categories for blogs. Perfect! :)

    You made my day ^^



    I found this plugin which allows the site admin to set blog types (categories). The site admin and the blog admins are then able to apply their blog to one blog type. There is one included function which lets you display all recent blogposts from blogs which use blog type “x”.

    What I need for my “home”-page is a function similar to the bp-member-function. Ajax driven “recent blogposts” with filter buttons like “show all, type1, type2, …”.

    The problem is that my programming skills are not good enough. Even if I study the bp-member-functions, I’m not able to do it.

    Any suggestions maybe? Or any information if a feature like this will find it’s way into buddy press within the next few weeks?



    To be able to add multiple categories to a blog would be great. And it would also be cool to have the chance to filter the recent blog posts on the home page by categories.

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