Varun Dubey replied to the topic UPLOADED AVATAR SIZE FROM MOBILE VIEW = POOR QUALITY in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 1 month ago
Hi @wegosi you can use following codes inside child theme functions.php or bp-custom.php
You can change the values as per your requirementif ( ! defined( 'BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH' ) )
define( 'BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH', 50 ); //change this with your desired thumb widthif ( ! defined( 'BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT' ) )
Brajesh Singh replied to the topic BuddyPress redirect in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 4 months ago
hi @wegosi,
Thank you for asking.
I am not sure which ajax login plugin you are referring to.This plugin does not actually redirects the user, it simply changes the url where the default redirection happens.
So, if it is not working with an ajax login plugin, Please ask the developer if they support ‘login_redirect’ filter. If not, please ask…[Read more]
Active 3 years, 1 month ago