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  • @whiskyharry


    in an older installation I did the same (I hope so) and it works fine.
    Yesterday I had some issues with the profile header and I reinstalled buddypress. Now, some translations are missing…



    In my the7.2-Theme I have several templates for using them for pages and the blog.
    But I do not really unerstand the concept behind buddypress:

    • I have to create a page and then I assign it to members/groups/activity… but as I create the PAGE, there is a sidebar. WHy doesn’t buddypress use/show this sidebar?
    • It’s the same issue with the footer widget area (ok, it’s the same as a siebar)
    • Why do I have to extend the functions.php to be able to use the sidebars?
    • And what are these functions (posted above) do?



    oh sorry:
    I’m using the7.2 from themeforrest.

    They’ve sent me some snippets to include in the themes functions.php, but I don’t know if I’ve included them correctly. But after including them, I had the sidebar on several pages (e.g. the member-subpages), but still missing on

    • all groups
    • single group
    • members list (first page)
    • group list (first page)
    • activity list (first page)

    They said it was a kind of “blueprint”, so I added the lines – without really understanding what I’m doing. As a result, it seems to work on some pages – but not on all:

    function dt_bbypress_template_config1()
    if( is_bbpress() )
    $pagid = 35615; //sidebar, footer settings of the page id given will be applied to user profiles
    $config = presscore_get_config( );
    presscore_config_base_init( $pagid );

    add_action( ‘get_header’, ‘dt_bbypress_template_config1’, 10 );

    function dt_buddypress_template_config2()
    if( bbp_is_single_user() ){
    $pagid = 35615; //sidebar, footer settings of the page id given will be applied to user profiles
    $config = presscore_get_config( );
    presscore_config_base_init( $pagid );

    add_action( ‘get_header’, ‘dt_buddypress_template_config2’, 10 );

    function dt_bbypress_template_config3()
    if( is_bbpress() )
    $pagid = 35609; //sidebar, footer settings of the page id given will be applied to user profiles
    $config = presscore_get_config( );
    presscore_config_base_init( $pagid );

    add_action( ‘get_header’, ‘dt_bbypress_template_config3’, 10 );

    function dt_buddypress_template_config4()
    if( bbp_is_single_user() ){
    $pagid = 35609; //sidebar, footer settings of the page id given will be applied to user profiles
    $config = presscore_get_config( );
    presscore_config_base_init( $pagid );

    add_action( ‘get_header’, ‘dt_buddypress_template_config4’, 10 );



    thx to all for your efforts!

    it seems that activity has to be activated to show the member title correctly.

    complete nonsens, but there must be some logic in these stupid lines of code in the member-header:

    <?php if ( bp_is_active( ‘activity’ ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() ) : ?>
    <h2 class=”user-nicename”>@<?php bp_displayed_user_mentionname(); ?></h2>
    <?php endif; ?>




    oh, 🙂
    thanx a lot. Seems that I was just a little bit confused about the translation.
    Also thanx for the links.

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