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  • @whoaloic


    I would like to remove options in the select dropdown.
    Anybody could help me?



    Here’s a solution:
    I have used template condition.

    /* add subnavs to existing tab*/
    function add_settings_subnav_tab() {
            global $bp;
            // rename general settings tab
            // remove profile menu tab
           // unset($bp->bp_nav['profile']);
            // add 'Change profile picture' sub-menu tab
            bp_core_new_subnav_item( array(
                    'name' => 'Photo du profil',
                    'slug' => 'change-profile-picture',
                    'parent_url' => $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->bp_nav['settings']['slug'] . '/',
                    'parent_slug' => $bp->bp_nav['settings']['slug'],
                    'screen_function' => 'change_profile_picture',
                    'position' => 30
    function change_profile_picture(){
       if (bp_is_my_profile()):
       add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'change_profile_picture_screen_content' );
    add_filter('xprofile_template_change_avatar', 'filter_changeavatar_template');
    add_filter('bp_avatar_is_front_edit', 'filter_changeavatar_template'); // camera
    function filter_changeavatar_template($template){
        if (bp_is_my_profile()):  
        return 'members/single/plugins';
    function change_profile_picture_screen_content() {
            bp_get_template_part( 'members/single/profile/change-avatar' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'add_settings_subnav_tab', 100 );



    I forgot to check the group avatar uploads option in plugin settings …



    I notice I don’t have the group avatar tab anymore.
    I switch theme and disable all plugins except BP. The tab is still missing.
    I do remember that I could upload an avatar for group in the past.

    Any help would be really appreciated.



    Ooops, the snippet adds a upload media zone to individual group tab settings.
    And disables the save button in this tab.



    Thank you for the snippet Dan.
    I add to add_filter('bp_avatar_is_front_edit', 'filter_changeavatar_template'); to the change_profile_picture function and it works like a charm.



    I just add that I could unset profile public tab:

    /* remove subtabs*/
    function remove_submenu_item() {
        bp_core_remove_subnav_item( 'settings', 'profile' );
    bp_core_remove_subnav_item( 'profile', 'public' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'remove_submenu_item', 100 );

    But I need to change the Profile landing subnav to avoid 404 page.

    I found this piece of code but this only for main tab.

     * Change BuddyPress default Members landing tab.
    define('BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'profile' );



    actually I mean to merge content of members/single/settings/general.php and members/single/profile/edit.php.
    My idea is to get custom BP profile fields (username) along with the email and password fields in the general settings tab.
    When I copy plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/ to mytheme/buddypress/members/single/, those files don’t override plugin core files.



    Hello Dan=
    Thank you for the snippet.

    This one is working too:

    /* remove tabs*/
    function remove_menu_tabs(){
    global $bp;
    add_action('bp_setup_nav', 'remove_menu_tabs', 201);



    Hi Dan,
    I was expected the author name in BuddyPress pages (members, forums, activity) links to my Woocommerce Account page 🙂 not the other way.
    But maybe I should consider adding some extra tabs in Buddypress profile page within I will put some Woocommerce informations (orders, billing address)…



    I’m sorry to reopen this topic but as all my groups are hidden, there is a useless “All groups” tab for users.
    How to hide the group directory for registered users?



    Oh All right 🙂



    Thank you @dandb.
    Tested and approved 🙂



    Thank you Henry for your answers.

    Note is what I call “What’s new” message in Activity Stream.
    That’s why you called public message or mentions?
    It’s like a tweet finally ?

    For private messages, I notice that user could send a message to all users so I was wondering what’s the point of Friends connexion.
    I was thinking that only users who are friends could send messages.

    Than you for the “favorite” button trac. It looks encouraging.



    Hello danbp, I bring up the topic because I still struggle to hide administrators in member tabs.
    Any help would be really appreciated.



    I’ve found how to hide admin member in member menu but not in group menu in member tabs.
    More specifically: site admin (user ID 1) is admin of groups A, B, C.
    I would love the admin be hidden in member tab of groups A and B, but still be visible in member tab of group C.



    – posts are handled by WordPress. BuddyPress speciality are the members, not publication.
    When group members want to talk together, they can use the notice editor for brief messages or if you install bbpres they can use the forum.

    OK, thank you 🙂

    -It exist a buddypress group blog plugin, who allows group members to use a blog, similar to the main blog.

    In my case, I have Custom Posts Type.
    In my CPT archive, all posts are listed, but I would like to restrict access to certain groups.
    So I don”t think the buddypress group blog plugin would help me.

    – BuddyPress features are developped if there is a general need, rarely for particular usage.

    All right 🙂

    I’ve just posted a new ticket in buddypress trac.

    Thank you Dan



    I finally use to restrict access to posts (and custom post types).
    I had to create same groups than BuddyPress for the plugin because this one does not synchronies with BuddyPress groups.
    But this plugin effectively adds a Access metabox for each post where I can check groups who are able to read posts.
    It will be such an improvement if BuddyPress integrates such a feature.
    Where could I post this feature suggestion?

    Best regards.

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