wizard_clp posted on the forum topic Buddypress forums not working in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Ok, it seems I had some database problems. I have innodb as the default database type, so when creating the forum tables, there was an error by a “TYPE = MYISAM” sentence in a table. The result was that the bb_posts table didn’t create, and so I couldn’t see the posts. As an advise, always […]
wizard_clp posted on the forum topic Buddypress forums not working in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
I have tried all that and if I don’t manually add an auto_increment id to the bb_term_relationships table, I get the error “There was an error creating forum topic”. I cannot either see the topic details… I have no additional plugins installed and my permalink structure is the “Month and name” one. Also, my document […]
Aritz Olabarrieta posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
Hello xavier ! Thank you a lot, I will test it right away, I am sure it will work cos it makes perfect sense.
wizard_clp posted on the forum topic Buddypress forums not working in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Hello, I have installed Buddypress 1.2.8 in wordpress 3.1, and solved the forum topic creation error buy adding an auto_increment field to the bb_term_relationships table, as follows: id bigint(20) auto_increment It seems that the installation does not create the table with a primary auto_increment id field, and for me that was causing the…[Read more]
Aritz Olabarrieta posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago
@a2zamethyst Hello Amethyst, I am a developer which uses Buddypress in some projects, and maybe I can help. I can have a look at the members page of your blog and tell you if I can find a quick solution. Please contact me at aritz@irontec.com for more confidentiality if you wish.
wizard_clp posted on the forum topic default theme depending on profession? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 1 month ago
Hello qprints, if I understand, you could do something like: – Add a profile field called “Proffession” in the profile settings of buddypress. – And in your theme, depending on the value each user has on the “Proffession” field, enqueue a css that overwrites the default css and does what it needs. Example: ` // […]
Aritz Olabarrieta posted a new activity comment 14 years, 1 month ago
Hello wattaman, the way I fixed it is changing a Buddypress core file: wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-messages/bp-messages-cssjs.php and replaced the line 37:
var acfb =
jQuery(“ul.first”).autoCompletefb({urlLookup:’root_domain . str_replace( ‘index.php’, ‘wp-load.php’, $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’] ) ?>’});with this code:
var acfb = jQuery(“ul.fi…[Read more]
wizard_clp posted on the forum topic autocomplete not functioning when composing message in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 1 month ago
Hello, I am new in the site. It took me a while but I found a solution for the autocomplete feature, but the problem is that it can only be fixed changing a Buddypress core file, and that’s not the way. Anyway here is how I did it (found the code in this forum, don’t […]
wizard_clp joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years, 1 month ago
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You are a legend! Thanks so much for that, your subsequent email and help. I do so very much appreiated that :)))))))