wodz82 started the topic Notification & Masseges icon in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 4 years ago
Does anyone know how to input a notification and messages icon within a standard WordPress menu bar and keep its functionality?
wodz82 replied to the topic Account details and user details in registration form in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 5 years ago
Ok thank you for your help
wodz82 replied to the topic Account details and user details in registration form in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 5 years ago
Yaesew, how did you solve the problem?
wodz82 started the topic Hide – BuddyPress Activity subnemu in the forum Miscellaneous 5 years ago
Does anyone know how to hide BuddyPress Activity subnemu?
I want to hide ‘personal’, ‘mentions’, ‘favorites’, ‘friends’, ‘groups’ tabs and ‘everything’ selection option.so far I managed to hide everything but I can’t hide the rest.
I used the following code:#buddypress #activity-filter-select {
display: none !important;
}Thank you…[Read more]
Active 4 years ago