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  • @wordpresschina


    Thank you for the tip, and I will add that as a temporary solution. I dislike changing core stuff, but the idea for a dummy dropdown, or just limit to a few hardcoded users, is good~



    Yes you’re right it is a WP issue rather than BP 😉 But any thoughts on how to deal with that? I see this on the WP forums that it has not been dealt with fully yet:

    Yes, deleting users from the frontend works fine, but for more systematic searches and tweaks, deleting from the backend works better (just not in this case~)



    @nipponmonkey: I tried your solution above, but now all my pages are blank and nothing is visible… I added it directly to my functions.php and changed/added absolutely nothing. Did I make an error?



    @ffemtkl – to customize those emails, what about trying this plugin:

    When you were importing info, were you importing checkbox data? That was alsop problematic for me and I have no idea what format I should prepare that data so it goes in nicely….



    Ok, I have feedback for you on the “Import from Ning” plugin if I use it to upload a normal CSV file that is not originally from Ning. I hope the developer @boonebgorges of the plugin reads this to give him some ideas about expanding the ability to use this :)

    The plugin does work, but not entirely. In your CSV columns, you must have Name and Email as the first and second columns, respectively. If you do not have them in that order, it will not import. That is an easy thing to do though, so not a headache :)

    Here are some problems I found:

    1) I want to create usernames for my imported users. How are usernames generated for users when you import them? The “Import from Ning” plugin takes the ‘Name” field and makes that the username automatically. So if your name is “George Bush”, it will automatically create a username called “georgebush”.

    However, I do not want this. I have separated by “Name” field from the “Surname” field, so my user would have Name=George and Username=George. I do not want that. Instead I want to create my own usernames. However if I upload a column called “Username”, the importer does not recognize that. :(

    2) The “Import from Ning” plugin does a decent job of automatically aligning your xprofile fields with the columns in the CSV file. For selectbox fields, there is no problem. For textbox fields, there is no problem. For radio fields, there is no problem. However there are problems with these two fields: datebox and checkbox.

    What happens if I try to upload data into datebox? I tried uploading in the formats “1 January 1950” and “January 1, 1950” but the plugin ignored those, so I am unsure how to upload dates correctly. When I tried “1 January 1950”, it changed that and instead displayed “January 1, 1970”, so I feel that maybe I am near a solution…. however when I tried “January 1, 1950” in my CSV field, it just left that entire area blank… I have no idea about the correct protocol for uploading dates tat include months, days, and years together. But I feel I am near a solution….

    What happens when I include data from a checkbox? Nothing is included. :( For example, I have a field that is “Favorite Foods” and users can select more than one choice. In my field, I am using “~” as the separator. So I have “Pizza~Noodles~Fruit” in my CSV field, but the plugin ignores this. Therefore, for the “checkbox” field data, I am unsure of the correct protocol for how to prepare my data to upload using this plugin.

    I feel that this is a great plugin and we only maybe need some help figuring out the details from above.



    @ffemtkl – good creative solution :) I am reading the docs now and will attempt imports and tweaking soon. I will let you know the result.



    @DJPaul: tks for the info, though it doesn’t make me smile :(

    I searched for other plugins that allow for bulk import that include xprofile fields, but I find none. Any thoughts on ways to handle this? direct import via mysql is not a good solution as my client needs as wysiwyg as possible.

    Are we sort of in a “dead zone” now as people wait for WP 3.0 before coming out with plugin updates?



    I just re-installed my Buddypress site and switched from WPMU+Buddypress to just normal WP+Buddypress. The plugin here now appears to not work:

    I manually uploaded it to my server and activated it and all seemed fine. But I can find no link to the plugin within my adm area. Maybe it does work fine but I can not find the link to where to upload users…. anybody have an idea?



    Ok, I did this the “difficult way” by directly adding into the database. I wish there was a much easier way to handle this :(

    Here is the code I used — you need to tweak it for your won requirenents based on how your setup exists:

    INSERT INTO `wp_bp_xprofile_fields` (`id`, `group_id`, `parent_id`, `type`, `name`, `description`, `is_required`, `is_default_option`, `field_order`, `option_order`, `order_by`, `can_delete`) VALUES
    (number1, 6, 66, ‘option’, ‘CHOICE1’, ”, 0, 0, 0, 2, ”, 1),
    (number2, 6, 66, ‘option’, ‘CHOICE2’, ”, 0, 0, 0, 3, ”, 1);



    Ah, we shall make a payment immediately. :)

    Tks for the link!



    @Jeff Sayre: Please make sure to have a donation button created for this plugin, as I will gladly put down some cash to you each time I can get a client do use buddypress for their projects. This privacy/security component is **very** important part that has previously been missing from BP….



    @Andrea_r: really?? cool :) ! How is it working? Are there many problems pre-3.0? If it seems like not so many problems, I will install it tomorrow and starting really testing it out.



    @Travel-Junkie: I used your code above ( ) and it caused my browser to announce that:

    Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects.

    Any idea why? Should I change anything within that code to personalize it for my own site?



    @DJPaul: tks! weird… my search terms seemed to have been slightly off.

    I installed the “Bulk Import Members (Users)” ( ) but it triggered an install error:

    Warning: require_once(bp-core.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/my_site_name/wp-content/plugins/user-import-for-buddypress-all-fields/bp-user-import-adv.php on line 29

    I searched more and found an alternative version of this (version 1.0.1) the the developer’s own site and it installs fine:

    The other 2 seem fine too but not as comprehensive and new as the one above. I also have used dagondesign in the past and I like their plugins, but because it it not in the repository I fear about using these types of plugins sometimes.



    Yes, I am looking exactly for this functionality for my client.

    My client needs to be able to 2 things:

    a) they are a small nonprofit and have 600 members the take care of. They need to hopefully import usernames and email addresses to automatically generate new users for all those 600 members.

    b) Then they need to import an excel sheet full of all the xprofile (extended profile) data for each of those users.

    Is there a plugin (I searched but could not find one…) that can help me automatically generate lots of usernames/accounts?

    Is there also a better way to import and export all the extended profile data?

    If a WPMU developer is available to help, I can provide more details to have this project done!



    @r-a-y: thanks! Beyond user blogs, that is the biggest difference?

    @armandmorin: I understand that the soon-to-be-released version of WP 3.0 should merge the WPMU with WP. I might be mistaken on that timeline, but the latest I heard showed this to be true.

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