8 years, 9 months ago
The issue is that i was using bp_displayed_user_email() this function echo’s the email of a user, i should use bp_get_displayed_user_email() this function returns the email of a user.
So @danbp your code was correct, it was my function… 🙂
Here is the corrected code :
<?php $user_email = bp_get_displayed_user_email(); ?> <span class=”thrive-member-role”> <?php echo’‘ . $user_email . ‘‘; ?> </span>
Ok, sorry. But still not work…
Ok. But where is the corrected code ?
yeah exactly :p
The code is not working, unfortunately… i get a blank page.
i can’t figure out…
My first code is working. i want just add a mailto link.
Can you please, if possible, give me the exact code based on my original code ?
(i’m just beginner…)
Like this ? :
<?php $email = bp_displayed_user_email(); ?>
<?php if ( ! empty( $fonction ) ) { ?> <span class=”thrive-member-role”> <?php echo ‘‘. bp_displayed_user_email(); .’‘; ); ?> </span> <?php } ?>
Danp, thank for your return.
Should i replace all my code with yours ? or just a part of it ?