xyclops posted on the forum topic WP-minify and new version of Buddypress in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Argh – it doesn’t work if the image files are small enough that they don’t need to be resized – this is what adds the widthxheight to the end of the filename as far as i can tell. For now I have added a rejection for any files that end in ‘myavatar’ .ext, and added […]
xyclops posted on the forum topic WP-minify and new version of Buddypress in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Here is a way I have found to make avatar uploads work while still using a CDN. I’m using S3/Cloudfront but it shouldn’t make a difference. The avatars, once accepted have a filename that always ends in either ‘bpfull.jpg’ or ‘bpthumb.jpg’ When an avatar is being dealt with by the upload/cropping process, the images used […]
xyclops posted on the forum topic Activity stream achievement avatars in the group Achievements: 14 years ago
damn, that sucks, sorry.
I cheated for the time being and changed /includes/achievements-templatetags.php to leave out the activity stream avatar with:
if('activitystream' == $size){
return "";
return apply_filters( 'dpa_get_achievement_picture', $url, $achievement_id, $picture_id, $grav_size, $style );
around line 680 or so. I kind…[
xyclops posted on the forum topic Activity stream achievement avatars in the group Achievements: 14 years ago
I’m also using WP 3.0.5 (with the hotfix plugin – but I just disabled/enabled that with no effect).
xyclops posted on the forum topic Activity stream achievement avatars in the group Achievements: 14 years ago
I’m using 2.0.5 I thought the problem might be being caused by w3 total cache, so I disabled that completely, then created a new achievement, but the problem persists. Is there a way I could simply remove the image code from the actvity feed for the achievements? I know it’s a kludge but for now […]
xyclops posted on the forum topic Date Selector profile field is saving dates as one behind what they selected in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
I ended up setting the time for all blogs to UTC, and disabling the time from the blog post metadata – time(‘F, j Y) instead of just time()
It’s a kludgy fix but I guess it looks okay. I wish I’d just used the text box 🙂
xyclops started the forum topic Activity stream achievement avatars in the group Achievements: 14 years ago
The problem is this: If a user gets an achievement for doing something and they do it in the main blog, the avatar image link in the activity stream is correct, e.g.:
If they complete the action in a different blog, then the avatar link is different, e.g.:site/user/wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files/2…
xyclops joined the group Achievements 14 years ago
xyclops posted on the forum topic Date Selector profile field is saving dates as one behind what they selected in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
I’m also having this problem – any idea/fix for this?
xyclops posted on the forum topic Errors with WP 3.0.5 in the group BuddyPress Moderation: 14 years ago
That’s wonderful. I love you, thank you.
xyclops started the forum topic Errors with WP 3.0.5 in the group BuddyPress Moderation: 14 years ago
Hi, I’ve noticed that the comment links are not being formatted properly – In 3.0.4 I am getting links like this:
<a href='http://domain.com/?bpmod-action=flag&type=blog_comment&id=1&id2=20&_wpnonce=91dbb6bd46' title='Flag as inappropriate' class='bpm-report-link bpm-type-blog_comment bpm-unflagged bpm-context-called '><span…
xyclops joined the group BuddyPress Moderation 14 years ago
xyclops started the forum topic Comment Editing Permissions in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Is it possible to restrict what users can do with comments on their own blog? At the moment, my users can not only delete/approve/unapprove, but also edit the content of the comment – this is obviously not ideal because a malicious user could make it appear that someone who commented said something else. Ideally a […]
xyclops joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years ago
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