I just defined the fields differently, because you just need one user id to identify a user. Make the obligatory field a “read the terms and conditions” field and place it later in the form for example.
To make it more clear, what my problem is.
The standard registration process in buddypress requires only 3 fields: Accountname, email address and password. Additionally I defined some fields in Users –> Fields. Is it possible to make those fields part of the registration process?
Thanks alot and sorry for my misleading description of my problem beforehand.
With kind regards,
Thanks for the response imath.
I am aware of that, nevertheless i dont understand, why both is shown at the same time after clicking on the “Register” button. Just one username, one email address is needed, why is it shown twice on the same screen?
Ofcourse I dont want to deactivate the username and email address field. I just want to be shown once.