zageek posted on the forum topic SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH SPAM in the group Spam Eater: 14 years, 4 months ago
I have had exactly the same problem. I have checked the integrity of my install as best as possible and even changed the admin passwords several times. WP and BP are always up to date but the spam never stops coming. Its extrememly frustrating, the only solution that works for me is to to block […]
zageek posted an update in the group Spam Eater: 14 years, 5 months ago
hey Peter please start up another group if you have to any where else or lets get this going again.
the splog nightmare just doesnt go away, no matter what we do. I have written a couple of custom hacks to try and get around it.
I have looked at the WPMU dev premium antisplog plugin.It looks great but I don’t want to spend money only to have…[Read more]
zageek started the forum topic Whats your Spam conspiracy theory? in the group Spam Eater: 14 years, 10 months ago
Whats your theory. Mine is that the sploggers are deliberately targeting WordPress/ Buddypress to either drive users away. Maybe its a competing project lol
zageek posted on the forum topic Petition to have SPAM/SPLOG problems taken more seriously in the group Spam Eater: 14 years, 10 months ago
I am not talking about PM Spam I am talking about general SPAM and Splogs, is this topic offensive? How then do I delete it if it touches a nerve. I see a big red deleted bar on top when I log in whats with that?
zageek posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
Created a silent petition for those who want to express their frustration with SPAM
https://buddypress.org/community/groups/spam-eater/forum/topic/petition-to-have-spamsplog-problems-taken-more-seriously/ -
zageek posted on the forum topic Here come the spammers!!! in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years, 10 months ago
I must say the SPAM problems are real pain, and for a long time people have been complaining about the SPAM and its been brushed off. I have laid off the complaining and tried to be proactive to fight the spammers off but its really hard to keep up with them. I think the admins […]
zageek joined the group Requests & Feedback 14 years, 10 months ago
zageek posted on the forum topic PseudoLogins in the group Spam Eater: 14 years, 10 months ago
I realize that but I don’t have any other choice right now. The Sploggers are relentless. They just keep coming and keep filling up my site with crap. So far this is working perfectly.
Its so frustrating!
zageek started the forum topic PseudoLogins in the group Spam Eater: 14 years, 10 months ago
For a while I had a trick for fighting spam that worked. What I did was change the login slug every day then create a pseudologin page at the old slug to waste the spammers time. That worked until I couldn’t change it fast enough. So I resorted to changing the slug every hour and […]
zageek posted an update in the group Spam Eater: 14 years, 10 months ago
SPAM SPAM and more damn SPAM. What do we do?
zageek created the group Spam Eater 14 years, 10 months ago
Not recently active
The WPMU dev premium plug works … but, as near as I can figure, not better than other methods I’m trying.
Not sure how to get the discussion consolidated; that is, don’t know that a new group would get more going. (On my own site, I have email notification turned on; wish that were an option here — but will subscribe to RSS!)