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  • @foxly

    When you mentioned admin tags you said “For example, on a dating site that charges users to view or upload images”

    I’m interested to find out more about this / what functionality there is in BuddyPress to support payment or subscriptions. I’m looking migrate a site to BuddyPress but I need the option of giving paying members the ability to see user-contributed photos (and those that don’t pay don’t see the images or only a few of the images).

    Looking forward to Giovanni’s updated plugin.

    Giovanni: any idea on when you’re likely to release an updated version?

    A very good idea Andy – anything to stimulate development for BP and plugins. Now that BP 1.2 is released have you got the time to kick this off?

    Yeah I’d be up for that – anything to encourage more people to develop more useful plugins. If we all contributed say $10 that would very quickly grow the pot of money.

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