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1.5 Language, Child Theme and Multisite

  • @nahummadrid


    I just noticed that the language customizations are not working after upgrading to 1.5. As far as I remember everything was working before.

    I’ve tried everything again as stated here — but no luck, I’ve tried putting the .mo files in /wp-content/languages, i tried keeping it in the bp plugin /lang and even inside the child theme /lang dir’s…each time pointing the following snippet to the right dir…still with no luck of the translations working.

    `// change “en_US” to your locale
    define( ‘BPLANG’, ‘en_US’ );
    if ( file_exists( WP_LANG_DIR . ‘/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ ) ) {
    load_textdomain( ‘buddypress’, WP_LANG_DIR . ‘/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ );

    here’s the name of the .mo file as I have it in the /wp-content/languages

    I’m stumped. What’s odd, is that I was having the same trouble on a singular wordpress installation and i ended up getting it working by putting .mo files in the child theme dir and placing the following in the functions.php

    define( ‘BPLANG’, ‘lang_EN’ );
    if ( file_exists( STYLESHEETPATH . ‘/’ ) ) {
    load_textdomain( ‘buddypress’, STYLESHEETPATH . ‘/’ );


    Any ideas.

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  • @nahummadrid


    I’m now seeing that it’s only some translations that don’t take….for example.

    %s became a registered member
    Posted an update

    In poedit, i don’t know if this matters, but on the text that doesn’t work I get back an error under Show References where the text that does work shows where the text is referenced — so that’s that.

    btw i’m using a child theme with bp template pack



    Hmm. Are you 100% sure the original .pot was up to date? Have you tested?

    Are you generating these locally or on Automattic’s glotpress website? (can’t remember URL right now)



    I am not able to implement this either using directions from the same link above. I followed directions exactly, but no labels change. I used the following command using ssh to generate the .mo file: msgfmt -o [filename].mo [filename].po

    File name gets generated, but again, no labels change. Am I supposed to be ‘refreshing’ something? Thanks for the help.



    @djpaul yea I’m pretty sure, since at first I did realize it was still the old language file from pre-1.5, so I downloaded the new .pot and worked with it.

    Since I was workign with a custom theme, I’ve even tried it with a child theme of Bp-default and still the same problem.



    And you’ve got the WP_LANG set correctly, and are also loading a translation for WordPress itself? Is that code snippet in your first post how you’re actually trying this? Which file did you add that to? I don’t think that should be necessary :)



    “you have WP_LANG set correctly…” — I don’t know to be honest…i’ve only ever need to translate bp…

    define( ‘WPLANG’, ” ); — I saw this was already set in my config file. So I’ve even tried just using it by telling it this: define(‘WPLANG’, ‘en_US’);

    Yes that’s the snippet from the tuutorial, which by the way, step 3 can be a little confusing the way it’s worded, “skip this not that” hence me using the snippet to try to make it work. but I’ve even tried without the snippet…still.



    Did you get this working? I have the exact same issue.
    BP 1.5, and a child theme using BP template pack.
    I have successfully used a language file on another site (BP 1.2.8) so I thought I understood the process.
    Has something changed in the way language files are handled in 1.5?



    I just noticed a similar problem: buddypress and child theme (no multisite), and when I upgraded to 1.5 my language customizations in bp-languages/buddypress-my_site.po stopped displaying.

    I had define( ‘BPLANG’, ‘my_site’ ); set in plugins/bp-custom.php, but I found I also had to set
    define(‘WPLANG’, ‘my_site’); in the wp-config.php file

    In buddypress 1.2.8 just setting the language in bp-custom.php had been sufficient. Hope this helps someone else with the same problem.

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