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37 WordPress Security Statistics 2022

  • @smithparker7


    As one of the most popular content management systems, WordPress is, unfortunately, a target for hackers and other malicious individuals. That’s why today, you’ll learn all about WordPress security statistics.

    WordPress Security Statistics
    Here are some of the most widely known WordPress security statistics.

    37 WordPress Security Statistics 2022
    1- WordPress is the most attacked CMS
    2- WordPress remains the most lucrative target for hackers
    3- 90,000 attacks per minute attacks on WordPress
    4- Number of sites attacked due to weak password
    5- Number of WordPress sites hacked every day
    6- WordPress vulnerabilities caused due to out-of-date plugins
    7- Automated attacks on WordPress sites
    8- WordPress is the most vulnerable CMS
    9- Number of sites hacked due to fake plugins

    Here are few WordPress security statistics

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