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about the speed of the site

  • @garciasanchezdani


    Hi all, I have a site called which is used to sell online courses. In addition, they can be made online too. For this, I bought I theme called wplms which is perfect for it. The theme works fine, and is integrated with BuddyPress for the interaction between students and teachers.
    But I have a big problem, which is about the speed of the site. It loads veryyyyy slow. Then, I checked it, and I participated in the official forum of the theme, writing this thread: The author of the theme says literally: “The issue in general is with all BuddyPress themes”, but didn’t gave me any solution. There’re more threads in the forum about this issue, that is, I mean that it’s a known problem with the theme: In this thread there’re 4 pages, where a lot of customers are asking for a solution. This thread was opened in June 2014, but nowadays there’s not a solution for this, and the author says that BuddyPress is the problem. Then, I come here to ask for help. I don’t blame nobody, I only want to find a solution, and have happy customers in my site. As I say, refering to this issue, this is like a bar. You go to the bar, drink a beer, and eat something, but is the service is slow, or bad, is sure that you’ll never come back.

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  • @garciasanchezdani


    I forgot attach a screenshot of the gmetrix results.
    As you can see, the load time is about 8 seconds :S

    NOTE: I use in order to NOT CACHE, because if not, the results displayed are from the cached page.



    my page load time is 5.49s (pagespeed Grade 83%, Yslow grade 73%)
    not sure if this is a good result.
    I am also looking for methods to improve pagespeed



    you’ve got a lot of plugins in your site. Please check for example with this plugin which plugin slow down your side.
    Then I would reflect if I need all plugins realy….



    Hi @nolls , thanks for your answer. I’ll use this plugin to check all plugins of my site.
    Best regards, Daniel



    @bergblume I think 5 seconds is much time in the web. Time is gold!
    I hope we find a solution…



    In addition to the above suggestions – you can switch to a WP theme like 2013 and see if the site loads quicker. If so, then you know the main bottleneck is the vibe theme.



    Hi @shanebp , I did that, and the site loaded quickly, but buddypress was not being loaded neither, so it does not mean that activating the theme, the problem is in the theme, it can be in buddypress too, because it’s integrated in vibe theme…



    These are the results of the first scan:

    BuddyPress if one of the plugin which most ralentize the load time…



    >because it’s integrated in vibe theme

    BP doesn’t need to be integrated into a theme.
    Install BP separately and test with a standard WP theme.
    Then you’ll get more info re whether the bottleneck is your server or BP or…



    @shanebp Yes, you’re right



    Front page is also 2.4MB, uncached.

    For example, it loads (452 KB) and (310 KB for JS!!) and (259 KB) and (233 KB).

    If you got rid of those, you will half the size of the front page load, and everything will be faster. You can then look into other popular pages and see if there are any easy things you can do like this to make things faster before worrying specifically about the code’s performance.



    Hi garciasanchezdani.
    Great site dude, I can see you spent a lot of time on this…Great!!
    Like Paul said 2.4 megs for a home page, Phew thats huge.
    Also 117 requests, also way to many.

    Try use to compress “all” your jpeg images
    And to compress all your png images

    they are both free to use or you can sign up and buy ( sorry I’m not promoting them, I use them for all my sites)
    Also add the following to the begining of your htaccess file…before the wordpress code; and it should help with some of your Yslow speeds.


    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xhtml+xml
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript application/javascript text/javascript text/css

    <FilesMatch “\.(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$”>
    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresDefault “access plus 1 year”

    Header unset ETag
    FileETag None

    I would try as far as possible to keep my pages down below 600k
    and request to less than 50



    Hi all, thanks very much for your good tips.
    I just optimized images using and ( thanks for your links @electromagnetic ) and now the page size is 1.2 mb

    But, for example, If I do a test with the page
    the page size is 644,9 kb, with 75 request, and the time load is 6,90 s ( tested with ) … so this says me that maybe there’s another issue…….

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