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access to /wp-admin/user-new.php missing?

  • @dhargraves


    Here’s a thread that I started over at I’m bringing it over here as I think the problem may have to do with BuddyPress.

    In summary:

    I’ve just upgraded to 2.7 with the latest BP Combo and can no longer find a place to add users when logged in as a regular user. I can’t even find a place to activate registration so that they can sign up for individual blogs themselves.

    I found these directions under Site Admin->Option:

    “Allow blog administrators to add new users to their blog via the Users->Add New page.”

    This seems like it is the answer, except I see no “Add New.”

    If I go to /wp-admin/user-new.php I do see the Add User page. In other words, that sidebar link is gone, but the functionality is still there.

    Here’s a copy of my sidebar with the missing page link.

    Note that the Users button at the top takes you to /wp-admin/wpmu-users.php , which is part of SiteAdmin. This link allows me to add users to WPMU, but normal users won’t be able to add users to their individual blogs.

    What’s needed:

    1. We need access to /wp-admin/user-new.php in the side panel so users can add users to their blogs.

    2. We need a way for people to register themselves on each others blogs.

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