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Achievements integration with a social sharing plugin

  • @djduckworth


    Does anyone know of a project where someone is integrating Achievements and a social sharing plugin?

    The idea here is that a user earns points/achievements for sharing content. I know there is buddystream, but this doesn’t actually have sharing buttons for posts, only activities from the feed. Additionally, Achievements can only be configured for connecting social accounts not sharing activities from the feed.

    I’m working on a project that requires this and can happily fund development for supporting a popular sharing plugin.

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  • @djpaul


    Have you looked at BuddyStream? (



    Yeah I have. However there are two limitations with Buddystream

    1) Sharing features only share activity and not blog posts themselves. This means a different plug altogether is required for rewarding the sharing of blog posts.

    2) The achievements integration only allows for ‘connecting’ a social media account, not actually using the sharing features.

    The ideal for my project is to provide achievements and points for sharing activity and sharing blog posts.

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