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Activate BuddyPress components programmatically

  • @schweizersolutions



    we build a One-Click-Installer for our WordPress-Multisite and we would like to activate some BuddyPress components.

    First we activate the plugin programmatically and then we would like to activate the component groups per default.

    We modified array in the option bp-active-components and added ‘groups’ => 1.
    But it seems, that BuddyPress is gonna overwrite this.

    Any ideas how we can enable the group component, after the programmatically activation of BuddyPress?


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  • @henrywright


    You need activated_plugin. It fires after a plugin has been activated but note that if a plugin is silently activated (such as during an update), the hook doesn’t fire.

    Here’s an example:

    add_action( 'activated_plugin', function( $plugin, $network_wide ) {
        // $plugin is a string (the path to main plugin file).
    }, 10, 2 );



    Thank you Henry, but we already tried this hook.

    Maybe I should give you some code:

    class SKS_Test {
    	public function __construct() {
    		add_action( 'activated_plugin', array( $this, 'activated_plugin' ), 99, 1 );
    	public function activated_plugin( $plugin ) {
    		if ( $plugin == 'buddypress/bp-loader.php' && ! get_option( 'sks_installed', false ) ) {
    			$bp_active_components = get_option( 'bp-active-components', array() );
    			$bp_active_components['groups'] = 1;
    			delete_transient( '_bp_is_new_install' );
    			delete_transient( '_bp_activation_redirect' );
    			update_option( 'bp-active-components', $bp_active_components );
    			update_option( 'hide-loggedout-adminbar', 1 );

    The group component is still disabled in the settings of BuddyPress 🙁



    Can you var_dump $bp_active_components just to see what we have in the db?



    This is the output of the get_option:

    array (

    And this is, what update_option use to store:

    array (
      'groups' => 1,



    Can you let me know what output you get from this?

    add_action( 'bp_loaded', function() {
        var_dump( bp_get_option( 'bp-active-components' ) );
    } );



    @schweizersolutions With your current solution:

    1) If BuddyPress is loaded in this context, I’d strongly recommend you use bp_update_option instead of update_option as this supports all the different configurations of BuddyPress install/configuration.

    2) If you look at bp_version_updater or bp_core_admin_components_settings_handler for example, it does what you’re doing, but it runs the installation routines afterwards. I’d recommend you copy the logic from bp_core_admin_components_settings_handler.

    3) An alternate approach is to filter the bp_new_install_default_components array as long as you can put that in place before BuddyPress loads.

    4) I think activated_plugin might be too early, i.e. before BuddyPress installs. I am not sure, I can’t test right now. BuddyPress’ core routines start from plugins_loaded, and I think that’ll have already be triggered before activated_plugin, so the behaviour will be undefined (i.e. it might install on the next page load, or part-install immediately, and I have no idea if this will break stuff).

    Hope this helps

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