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activate Sidebar for all-members and all-groups page

  • @whiskyharry


    is it possible to use the existing sidebar in the all-members and all-groups page?

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  • @djsteveb


    @whiskyharry – what theme are you using?

    with all of my buddypress sites I have the same sidebar on all pages.



    oh sorry:
    I’m using the7.2 from themeforrest.

    They’ve sent me some snippets to include in the themes functions.php, but I don’t know if I’ve included them correctly. But after including them, I had the sidebar on several pages (e.g. the member-subpages), but still missing on

    • all groups
    • single group
    • members list (first page)
    • group list (first page)
    • activity list (first page)

    They said it was a kind of “blueprint”, so I added the lines – without really understanding what I’m doing. As a result, it seems to work on some pages – but not on all:

    function dt_bbypress_template_config1()
    if( is_bbpress() )
    $pagid = 35615; //sidebar, footer settings of the page id given will be applied to user profiles
    $config = presscore_get_config( );
    presscore_config_base_init( $pagid );

    add_action( ‘get_header’, ‘dt_bbypress_template_config1’, 10 );

    function dt_buddypress_template_config2()
    if( bbp_is_single_user() ){
    $pagid = 35615; //sidebar, footer settings of the page id given will be applied to user profiles
    $config = presscore_get_config( );
    presscore_config_base_init( $pagid );

    add_action( ‘get_header’, ‘dt_buddypress_template_config2’, 10 );

    function dt_bbypress_template_config3()
    if( is_bbpress() )
    $pagid = 35609; //sidebar, footer settings of the page id given will be applied to user profiles
    $config = presscore_get_config( );
    presscore_config_base_init( $pagid );

    add_action( ‘get_header’, ‘dt_bbypress_template_config3’, 10 );

    function dt_buddypress_template_config4()
    if( bbp_is_single_user() ){
    $pagid = 35609; //sidebar, footer settings of the page id given will be applied to user profiles
    $config = presscore_get_config( );
    presscore_config_base_init( $pagid );

    add_action( ‘get_header’, ‘dt_buddypress_template_config4’, 10 );



    In my the7.2-Theme I have several templates for using them for pages and the blog.
    But I do not really unerstand the concept behind buddypress:

    • I have to create a page and then I assign it to members/groups/activity… but as I create the PAGE, there is a sidebar. WHy doesn’t buddypress use/show this sidebar?
    • It’s the same issue with the footer widget area (ok, it’s the same as a siebar)
    • Why do I have to extend the functions.php to be able to use the sidebars?
    • And what are these functions (posted above) do?



    @whiskyharry – you are going to have to direct these questions to the premium theme author – people at bp dot org will not help you with this issue – (99.99 % sure on this)

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