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Activation Email

  • @meridioinc


    Started a website, When a new user registers, the activation email never gets to their email. It says it’s sent it, but the activation email is never received.

    I have latest buddy press and latest WordPress versions.

    This issue seems to occur no matter which theme I use, though I’m currently running the “customify” theme from WordPress.

    I’ve read a bunch of different support threads here and tried different things, but nothing is working. Help? I have no idea what to do.

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  • @meridioinc


    Yes. My site is on WordPress. They host my domain.



    Ah, we don’t support installs, they have their own support for that. We only support sites created using



    How is it different then? I don’t understand.



    Well for one thing, it’s not run on a standard version of WordPress, also you don’t have ftp access or the ability to modify scripts yourself, so it’s a lot more limited. I’ve never used it so these are just assumptions. I can tell you how BP is supposed to work but I’ve no idea how it actually works on and it’s not like I can say “change this bit of code” for a fix. The admins would need to make that change, and that would be best done with them talking directly to us.

    I’ve asked the other contributors what we do for folks, lets see what they come back with.



    Part of the issue is that you are on a paid plan, and we are volunteers, so we don’t have access to your system in order to provide tailored advice, even if we could there’s not a great deal you can do about a bug, you will need to wait for when the bugfix is distributed in a new version. On the brightside that new version is being pushed out right now, so maybe your fix is there with it?



    Just updated. Still not working. :-/



    Well, it sort of half works now.

    So I already had installed wp mail smtp, got all that setup…
    So then I updated the buddypress plugin with the newest version that I think dropped today.
    Then I installed wp better emails, reinstalled/reinstated emails in tools->buddypress, and the activation email thing works.

    The only issue I’m having now is that I can activate the account, but I can’t login because it says that the password is incorrect, even though it isn’t. So that’s progress anyway.

    But I’m not sure what to do now.

    So if I go to the login area of my site, I enter my username and password, and then it sends me to a default WordPress login page. So I enter the info again, and it says that it’s the incorrect password. Should I basically be logging in twice like that? Once on my site, then once via the default WordPress login, only to be denied access?



    Nevermind. I think I have some stuff sorted.

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