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Activation link show me errors

  • Hello! When follow activate link for an user, the activation have no ploblems (user and generate pass is ok) but I have this errors above:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/***/public_html/wp-content/themes/kuama-home/header.php:2) in /home/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-messages.php on line 501</p>

    <p>Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/***/public_html/wp-content/themes/kuama-home/header.php:2) in /home/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-messages.php on line 502</p>

    <p>Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/***/public_html/wp-content/themes/kuama-home/header.php:2) in /home/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-messages.php on line 503</p>

    <p>Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/***/public_html/wp-content/themes/kuama-home/header.php:2) in /home/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-messages.php on line 507</p>

    <p>Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/***/public_html/wp-content/themes/kuama-home/header.php:2) in /home/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-messages.php on line 508</p>

    <p>Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/***/public_html/wp-content/themes/kuama-home/header.php:2) in /home/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-messages.php on line 509

    Cookies error or what?


    Sorry for my english!

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  • @jeffsayre


    We seem to be seeing more and more of this particular type of issue. It makes me wonder. Hum…

    But, let’s start with your error message. I’m going to repeat verbatim what I said in two other threads.

    The “Cannot modify header” error almost always indicates that there is some extra stuff (whitespace, extra text) before the opening php or closing php tag. It could be in one or both places. There must not be anything before or after the opening and closing PHP tags–not a single space, not any extra characters, not a single carriage return.

    Open up header.php in your custom theme file and look for any whitespace or extra stuff. It should be removed and the file saved.

    Report back on what you found and if that helps.

    Here’s more information of the “Cannot modify header” error:

    Thank for your help Jeff. I read your recommended link, but I don’t understand why the errors. I copy the header.php from the bphome and I see very white spaces or weird symbols ;)

    The error say is in line 2:

    the header:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

    <html xmlns="" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>



    I have a report via this site from a user who thought it might be a bug with my plugin. not sure if it is my problem or this guy’s custom theme.

    Original poster here: are you using Welcome Pack plugin?




    As I posted above, I’m beginning to wonder if more is going on with some installations as we’re seeing more of this error type. I’m not saying that it is because of your plugin though! :)

    With WordPress installs, this “Cannot modify header” error almost always indicates extra stuff before an opening php or closing php tag. It is all too easy for someone to open up a file and accidentally enter extra “stuff” and not even realize it.

    But there are of course other causes of this error. It will be interesting to see what the source of this error turns out to be.



    Yep I’ve asked my guy to send me his theme so I can check it.


    Im using Welcome Pack plugin too.



    Renzokuomo, it is possible if you could switch the theme back to the standard BP home theme (re-download it if you need to), and register/activate a test user account?

    I can’t get this error to recreate on my site which is running an out-of-the-box BP Home theme.



    Treblamah (the other person who has contacted me with this issue) is also running a custom theme with the same error message as in the OP.

    I have looked at his header.php and there’s nothing wrong.



    This error relates to the dp_messages_send_message() function in Welcome Pack, which is a copy of BP’s messages_send_message(). My version of the function is a copy+paste with a “from user_id” argument added and lots of code that won’t get used commented out. Trac relates.

    It’s the messages_add_callback_values() that the OP’s error is referring to in bp-messages.php. I’m not sure why this error is triggering for some people but not others. It might be custom theme related. Need help!

    Dj Paul, my theme is equal to original, only have a change of css color. Give me a few hours and will test with bphome theme.


    Ok, I switch to bphome, create a new user, click in activation link, show me header errors.

    I deactivate welcome pack plugin and no display any error..



    What about using the default unexited theme, and no plugins other than BuddyPress (move the folders out just to be certain). Is this something you are able to test on the server where you are having problems?



    Hey DJPaul,

    I have the same issue and I was able to isolate it to the Welcome Pack plugin (the errors disappear if I deactivate it). Mine is not a fresh install and I don’t think the errors were present more than a week ago. Since then I moved from BP1.0 to 1.0.2 so it might have something to do with that.

    Not that it has to be the fault of the plugin. My theme is mostly default but I have made some minor modifications from tips across this forum.

    I will try to trace back to see if I can figure out if one of the modifications is causing a conflict and let you know. I really hope someone figures out a solution as I find the Welcome Pack really useful and do not wish to deactivate it.



    This error kicks out in plugins for me a lot when someone closes the php tag after the plugin info, then opens it again. i.e.

    /*plugin info
    <?php function my_plugin_function

    If I remove the “close php” “open php” tags, my header errors go away. i.e.

    /* plugin info
    function my_plugin_function



    I have a version I asked someone to test for me, but I haven’t heard back. I need someone with this “headers already output” error to test a new build on their site; I’d need them to test creating a user “with blog” and a user “without blogs” options, and have all the Welcome Pack settings enabled – and let me know if everything works and if the error goes away.

    Mail me at if you’re interested.



    Welcome Pack v1.22 just pushed to the WordPress plugin svn. Expect to see it up in an hour or so. #buddypress




    Thanks for the quick action. Should I just autoupdate the plugin using the dashboard or do you recommend deleting and reinstalling the plugin?




    The update seems to remove the errors. Thanks!



    Whew, at least one happy customer ;)

    No problem! Let me know if you manage to break it or think of a new feature that’d go in well with its current features.



    DJPaul, I’ll keep testing.

    One feature that I think might be useful especially for groups is if we can auto invite instead of auto adding.

    I have a group for introductions on my site and I used to have new members auto add to that group. However, I realized that since the process was seamless, most new members didn’t even notice that they were part of their group and so never used it. So, I turned that off and now invite each new member to the introductions group and many more actually end of accepting and actually posting in it.

    This will also let users have the option to decline if they wanted to.



    Ah that’s a good idea. I’ll either put that in as a toggle-able option or change the default behaviour. I’ll get a new release out next Friday, in case anyone else has feedback. Thanks!



    Awesome! I am also eagerly waiting for your points plugin. I think that could really jumpstart participation in some communities if implemented properly.

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